To be honest with you, I wouldn't be caught dead in a placed called 'NomNom' unless the food was exceptionally good. Do you know what I see when I see 'NomNom'? I see an overgrown man-child with no business sense, no sense of professionalism and most of all no pride in their work. Why would I subject myself to cupcakes from a place that doesn't even take itself seriously when I could probably spend less money at a professional bakers where they actually work for a living.
What? How does that name say anythig abour how serious it's owner is?
To me it says that the owner is a younger person with some humour. We're talking cupcakes here, cupcakes aren't serious to begin with.
And why would it say the owner has no pride in their work?
I think Nomnom is a pretty decent name. It's modern, and really not all that reliant on the meme, most people should be able to recognize the Nomnom sound and relate that to eating.
I actually think it shows that the owner has more pride and passion about their buissnes since they actually cared to be creative and not just go with something you'd find almost anywhere.
I think some of you are looking to much at the meme, and not at the actual sound. It might be a difference here and America, but if I where to say "nomnomnom" in the right context to my dad or anyone else his age, I'm certain they would understand it's meaning.
If you doproper work on the logo "Nomnom" I think the message could come across to anyone, even people who have not heard of the meme.
And I doubt his girlfriend is doing this for a laugh. She, just like anyone else is probably out to make a living. And how do you know she's not a professional?