Delphine, Belethor's assistant and Nazeem.
Can't you kill him in the civil war? I don't know I never played the CW.
Farengar is definitely number 1 for me, but a top 3 is very hard, so many choices.
1. Delphine
2. Delphine's parents
3. Delphine's dog
That is all.
Karliah, Delphine, and I can't think of anyone else.
1.) VALDAR!! Tahrodiis nikriin! Dir ko faz arhk paak!
2.) Ulfric Stormcloak. For the sole reason that he's the epitome and mascot of devolved, backward guttur speaking nords. And for his false claim to the throne which is rightfully mine.
3.) Delphine. She dare even think of slaying Alduin's children?! Pahlok joor!
That "looking for trouble" guy in riften, and the one who is almost exactly the same in markarth, deserve honorable mentions. Every member of the thieves guild. Astrid, ilireth, all the companions, especially that "we killed the giant, no thanks to you" [censored]. Like I said, so many to choose from, as much as I love skyrim it is certainly jam packed with unlovable characters.
1) Delphine. I could kill her in one blow and she acts all cool and superior. Want to kill her every time I open a dialogue with her.
2) Elisif. Thalmor loving wench, nuff said.
3) Vex. When she isn't insulting me for not taking a job, not having finished a job yet, or leaving without taking another job, she is just rude and [censored]y.
The "gray mane or battle born" guy, I think the voice actor for that guy is responsible for most of the people I hate, could just kill him.