You shouldn't be worried about Nvidia's cards not fitting in a midsize. A Titan would most definitely fit. For future reference though, google searches usually turn up pretty decent results for compatibility issues in custom built rigs.
You shouldn't be worried about Nvidia's cards not fitting in a midsize. A Titan would most definitely fit. For future reference though, google searches usually turn up pretty decent results for compatibility issues in custom built rigs.
Id want to see what the map size is before its out.
I imagine "Wasteland Creature" applies to all of the critters in the wasteland that aren't necessarily just "animals", like Giant Ants, Mirelurks, and yes, Deathclaws. Basically all of the nonhuman creatures that weren't affected by Animal Friend in Fallout 3 or New Vegas. I wonder if it lets us boss around Super Mutants and Feral Ghouls... that would be an impressive perk.
Bingo...this is the biggest thing they can disclose without giveing anything away about the story. I see no reason for them to continue to trickle out this info