Colour Sliders for hair.
Colour Sliders for hair.
A feature that is unlikely to be in the base game but is dual wielding an option?
man i upgrade my computer too but i didnt go that extrem with the graphic card i only got a 960 gtx. but i got i7
I'd like to know the actual year we get out of the vault
PC specs are a given, so I'm assuming this thread is about the "one thing" we're unsure will be revealed before release.
The full perk list with all perk ranks defined would be nice. I'd like to have a more comprehensive idea about where to put my SPECIAL points before I start the game for the first time. I'm hopeful that this will be released or leaked prior to launch, though.
I like this one but I want to know if there is a hardcoe mode.
I'm really surprised people care that much about the spoken names of ONE companion
Do factions effect the main story like in NV?
Would be my question, but I kind of also don't want to know either, the less I know about the game before I play it the better.
I second this. Driving me crazy to see how much they have worked on this and to see if they have fixed this.
Can we pro download it. If not I'll be getting it on disc.
this, it opens up a little mini game of character design before the game.
The fate of the not selected spouse, specifically if it's possible for them to survive and be a companion.
To everyone wondering about PC specs before launch. That's pretty much a shoe in that you'll know before release. I'm sure they're just avoiding under or over estimating what rigs can run.
Also speaking of upgrading your pc for Fallout, Crossair made a Fallout modded case, i'm sure most of you have seen it already, but if you haven't its SICK AF.
The primary things I want to know have already been mentioned, the year FO4 takes place and a list of names that Codsworth will say.
Is that nuka-cola still ice cold after 200 years?
PC specs
I think I am ok, my liquid cooled rig is very old now but when I got it it was the most expensive game rigs that could be purchased locally. And I have done several upgrades including a 1000 watt PS and the highest end GC I could fit in my tiny 10.5 inch space (as of this year).
But I am worried.
Whether or not I'll be too tired after work to sit down to it on release day, or if it'll have to wait till morning.