The actual time the courier will turn up at my door, Pip-Boy package in hand...
(otherwise I need nothing more, except the rest of the SPECIAL videos)
The actual time the courier will turn up at my door, Pip-Boy package in hand...
(otherwise I need nothing more, except the rest of the SPECIAL videos)
Some info on what the main storyline will be about.
While that would be an excellent thing if Bethesda included it, Bethesda games have never had different UIs for console and PC, so it's highly unlikely they'll take into account the different form-factors now:(
I wouldn't mind his either,but clearly Bethesda is not budging.
Since I didn't feel like my previous post added anything, I want to know if Hacking/Lock-Picking will be handled like it was in Skyrim or Fallout. Meaning either with breakpoints (to use an Unknown Armies term) like the Fallout games before or will it be easier with added skill/perks, but not locked off like Skyrim.
Soo im assuming you got the Titan? or a GTX 980 or 970 even? If so then you're safe man 90% of the requirements are the graphics card.
For anyone looking to upgrade their graphics card, i'dd suggest the 970. Its the closest you'll get to a titan at a decent price. But if budget is not an issue then go full throttle with a 980 or titan.
[edit: just realized all of what you said was probably sarcasm.... -.-]
sarcasm? no... I guess it sounds like I am bragging about my system? Up until last year I was proud of it, but after seeing what is available now I was actually worried my rig might not work with most of the settings to full which is how I "need" to play. I am a virtual reality addict, not so much a "gamer" (I cannot enjoy most games because of things like silly, unrealistic combat). So I like to make and use a lot of mods which often require a lot of computing power. At my age getting immersed in a 3d world of action and freedom is one of my last medically allowed vices so I indulge it as much as I can afford.
I would have gotten a Titan but I did not think it would fit in my tiny midsize case. The factory layout is terrible with stuff in the way of the slots that was just stupid. And I am not confident enough (or want to lose access to my PC for the time needed) in my build skills to think I can relocate it all to a new case.
Thanks for the re-assurance however, it will svck to have taken vacation (release day) to play this and find out the first day I would need to upgrade my PC.
I was fairly certain Pete Hines said on his Twitter page that they planned to release the PC specs one month from release. I'm looking for the post now but I can't find it. Anyway I'm fairly certain you guys will get your specs in about 10 days.
One thing I would like to know in advance is a bit of a silly thing, really. I would like to know if Codsworth will still say your name if you also have a surname on your character. So if he will still call you 'Mr Howard' if your name is 'Howard Jones' for example.
Can the toilet in the pre-war house be flushed? If it can, we must take full advantage of the moment, knowing that it may well be the last time...
That's not silly! I actually wonder a lot about that as well.
Other than that... It would actually be kind of cool to just boot up the game and discover everything myself.
I read somewhere that he once pushed in front of somebody in a queue and then claimed he had been there the whole time. I don't know how he sleeps at night. Oh, and he apparently made several totally awesome games with a few minor features that couldn't be implemented in the final release for one reason or another. Don't know if that counts.
Enthusiastically promoting ideas that he wants to feature in his games is not the same thing as lying. What you're suggesting is that he intentionally misled all of us, rather than perhaps setting his target a little too high in some areas. Anyone who has ever said yes to their children, and then realised that they cant do or give what was promised will know exactly what I mean.
How the aiming is. I hope there isn't any deadzone issues or weird acceleration. That's one thing that videos can't tell you.