-light armor
-one handed
-(maybe block)
Still using the ritual stone. Any ideas?
Looks a lot like the Witchhunter class as it was in Morrowind. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Witchhunter#Witchhunter
Yep i think so too , it seems that with so many skills to be perked , such a build would probably shine in late game cause without smithing (maybe he should pick alteration instead of light armor and use bound bow) and with the need to raise and perk so many skills , it's probably going to be tough at first unless he specializes in sneak/archery early on and raise the other magic skills later on but it's definetely going to take some efforts
I'd say that's an Arcane ninja hunter
I second the observation of my learned Friend.
If you dropped Illusion, you'd have as close to Witchhunter as we're going to get.