i doubt Codsworth is the only companion/NPC that speak ur name. We really only see him on the trailer. So we going to need to wait till the game come out.
i doubt Codsworth is the only companion/NPC that speak ur name. We really only see him on the trailer. So we going to need to wait till the game come out.
I hope all the companions are able to use your character's name. It'd be a shame if it were only Codsworth. Honestly, I wouldn't have even bothered implementing the name system if only one character bothers to use it.
I thought it was surnames, not christian names. codsworth said Howard not Todd or am I missing something here ?
Okay - let's say that it IS just Codsworth. Codsworth is a Mr. Handy. Mr. Handys all share the same voice. Thus, all Mr. Handy's in the game could say your name. Now, take that ability and give it to the modding community. How many modders do you think will use that to enhance the immersion of their mods? Perhaps you are greeted by a Mr. Handy (or some other robot with a Mr. Handy voice). Or a Mr. Handy companion is made that has a completely different personality/look from Codsworth. Or...well...let your imagination wander....
He said Howard because that was what was type in in the character creation (vault tec form). Since it is used both as a surname and given name it could be either. That is one reason I think when they said over 1000 names they meant over 1000 names that are popularly used for PC creation in steam-filtered Beth games and not 'popular baby names' as seems to be the most popular expectation.
That's a really huge jump from your personal butler robot knowing your name to EVERY Mr. Handy?
Also, why on earth would he be specific if it were all companions? It would have generated far more hype if all companions would say your name. Some of you guys will take ANYTHING and just run with it, creating any kind of reasoning you need to fit your wants. Hopefully it works out for you. Don't hold your breath though
the same can be said he just said Codsworth since he was the only companion show that can speak, i doubt the dog can say your name.
John is pretty common so I should be fine. That said they should show the list. I doubt people will refuse to buy the game because their name isn't in.
hahaha i normaly name my PC John too. I was hoping since is common that name was on the list.
Interesting little nugget: It runs both ways.
Codsworth says protagonist's names: "You heard Codsworth say my name, that isn't for the demo. We actually recorded 1000 of the most popular names for him to say"
Given the context in the video, it doesn't exactly confirm your theory, but then I'm sure you'll take anything to fit your wants, right?
It's also used in the post-war section. If you first meet Codworth he also uses your name.
Howard is a personal name and mor famous than Todd. Todd is likely not on the list.
I wonder if Joey will be on the list....i hope it gives us a messege if our name can be spoken or not other wise i be restarting alot
It's not my theory at all. I'm just reposting exactly what has been said by the creator of the game. Take it as you will I guess. I don't think he had some cryptic meaning to it that needs to be read into further than it should. "We actually recorded 1000 of the most popular names for him to say". Not "for your companions" to say. I'm not conjuring up reasoning there. I'm just taking what was said literally, because I have no reason not to
Im pretty sure I heard somewhere that all companions will call u by name. Just companions tho.
Pretty sure and a source are two different things. No one else has had any evidence that Todd meant more than just Codsworth would say your name
I really hope there will be some kind of list or confirmation when u put name in to see if its in the list of names. I dont wanna make my guy, and then codsworth not say my name. Ill have to restart and recreate and hope my backup names work. Tho I'm fairly certain Logan will be in the list.
I wouldn't hold my breath. It is just a gimmick, that is why he mentioned it. It could be possible that every companion or some very important characters in the game might know your name as well, but I highly doubt it. Howard said, Codsworth knows 1000 names. He could have said, for a bigger marketing effect, that some NPCs can speak your name, but he did not. So the better guess is that it is only Codsworth. But yeah he does not explicitly say others do not.
That being said it makes sense for Codsworth because you and him have a history together. Furthermore having ten people speaking a thousand names into a mic, maybe even whole sentences is a huge waste of resources really. It is a gimmick for Codsworth.
As for the list: I am glad they do not release it. Why do you need it so much? It might be just two lines in the whole game? And many people would be disappointed if they glanced at it and their name was not on it. Plus, from a roleplay perspective, be your own Character, don't be John Doe. My character will be named Vincent, regardless, and it might or might not be on that list. In the end it is meaningless.
Other than a few companions, I don't expect the player's name to be said very often. I think this will be one of the few over-hyped features of the game.
The mentioned it once. Hardly over-hyped. The only ones that might be over hyping it are the people reading too much into it
Source: Todd Howard.
Mr. Boobies and Mr. F___-face confirmed
If this is confirmed, then I won't really worry too much about that list.
I don't even know if I will interact with Codsworth or travel with him.
The most important is that my character will have a nice suitable name.
but again is on the context when he said it, he was speaking about Codsworth that was on screen during the presentation. So is as possible that he is the only one or there are multiple NPC or companions that say your name.
For me is the same since i will run alone or with the dog.
Why is it such a big jump? They are all Mr. Handys. Even if the game does not use the name for any of them except Codsworth, it shouldn't be that difficult for a modder to arrange for other Mr. Handys to use the name as well. It isn't like Codsworth should have a different voice from other Mr. Handys. The files will be there. Surely Bethesda has made an effort to make accessing the voice files as easy as they can, given the voiced protagonist and all the other voiced work in the game.
And it's not like modders didn't access and use voiced content from previous Fallout games in their mods.
Perhaps you see a difficulty that I don't.