Please how was it 'redundant'? Considering that it means the same function is done by another feature.
Also, redundancy is a good thing. In biology having two kidneys is redundant, because you can survive with one. I'd rather have two. In gaming it means that there are several ways to achieve the same goal, something which can only reduce the drudgery and boredom of having to do the exact same things each playthrough.
Games with no redundancy have very little replayability.
Yes please, bring this named soul gem feature back.
For the past two games I have not been able to have a soul gem collection, one of my greatest joys in Morrowind.
Another poster once wrote that he liked to soultrap Grelod and use her to create an item of healing, 'the eternal penance of Grelod the Kind.'
Such things I think are very fitting and great for rp.
I wanted to do something similar with Potema but when I got home I couldn't tell which of my filled soul gems was her, so I just had to pretend I used the right one. :/
I remember a screen shot someone had taken after they had captured all the named souls in the game. Had all the 6th House Items and all the soul gems laid out in a nice display.
We don't seem to have as many non human boss types in this game, so it kind of makes sense the names are not in place this time.