» Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:59 pm
Nord Names
Abbard, Adding, Aenar, Agning, Alfhedil, Allding, Alof, Alvring, Andrelheim, Areas, Arkming, Arnskar, Audmund, Balfring, Barirrid, Baslod, Bathmar, Bato, Bedraflod, Bedrir, Bjadmund, Bormir, Botrir, Brandr, Briring, Bronrod, Brurid, Batou, Bryngrim, Brynjolfr, Cristus, Daglin, Dathman, Dryngheid, Eifid, Engar, Ennbjof, Ergnir, Erich, Fanar, Fjol, Fjorgeir, Fjori, Fjorkvar, Fjorrod, Forstaag, Fraki, Frald, Frik, Garding, Geilir, Godrod, Gogrek, Graring, Gudling, Haakon, Haening, Haesmar, Hagrad, Hakar, Hallvaror, Halof, Hamlof, Hamvir, Hefadmir, Heidmir, Heifnir, Herd, Higil, Hirnir, Hisin, Hjoldir, Hjrondir, Hlar, Hloggar, Hlora, Hlormar, Hodlismod, Hoki, Holmar, Honthjolf, Horstar, Hrargal, Hrisskar, Hroldar, Hrondar, Hrundi, Hulgarth, Hurg, Hurnfing, Hurolf, Hylf, Idlami, Ingmar, Itar, Jolgeir, Kjeld, Knurguri, Korst, Kunthar, Lassnr, Lorod, Maering, Mendel, Norring, Odmi, Onmi, Ormvard, Pelf, Radd, Raflod, Rakoslod, Ranmir, Reinhardt, Rigmor, Roggvar, Rolf, Saetring, Sarnir, Sattir, Savard, Sifknir, Sigvatr, Sittar, Sjarnfid, Sjoring, Sjorvar, Skjoldr, Snadir, Snedbrir, Snorri, Sold, Sor, Sorkvild, Star, Svog, Tharsten, Thongar, Thorek, Thormoor, Throknolf, Thrud, Thurek, Toralf, Tymvaul, Ulfgar, Urfing, Valgeir, Valund, Velfred, Vigunn, Virgerd, Vongvild, Yngling
Agarmir, Agnar, Algot, Beirir, Bittneld, Bjalfi, Burd, Carsten, Eitar, Esbern, Fafnir, Fjotreid, Jofnhild, Geimund, Gromm, Gukimir, Gunder, Gundlar, Hafid, Hamlof, Hans, Havilstein, Heinrich, Henrik, Hil, Hjar, Hlofgar, Holger, Honmund, Horkvir, Hridi, Hrol, Irroke, Iver, Jayred, Jesper, Jollring, Jorck, Jorundr, Kalthar, Keld, Larthjar, Logvaar, Lorenz, Lorkmir, Lynch, Manheim, Mogens, Nels, Newheim, Niels, Olav, Olfand, Ongar, Orgnolf, Ortis, Regner, Reistr, Rolgarel, Roliand, Snar, Sten, Storn, Styrbjorn, Tolgan, Torbal, Torolf, Tove, Ulfgar, Valdemar, Vidkun, Vigge, Wilhelm, Wrath, Yngvar
Aeta, Aldi, Anja, Aumsi, Barri, Bergljot, Brasteir, Eigma, Eiruki, Ekkhi, Erna, Eydis, Fryfnhild, Fryssa, Greidil, Grerid, Haema, Heddvild, Helga, Hidar, Hjotra, Holmgeira, Horski, Hreirek, Hroa, Hrordis, Hyring, Igna, Ilfhild, Imsin, Ingokning, Jolding, Kar, Kili, Kjolver, Kolfinna, Lisaa, Merta, Mette, Olfeigr, Ondi, Rangela, Ringvild, Risi, Rostlogi, Runa, Siri, Sottilde, Svenja, Thalestris, Thunmund, Ulfrun, Ursine, Val, Vori, Ygfa
Agata, Agnete, Alga, Edla, Else, Emfrid, Eyja, Hjolfrodi, Jensine, Kirsten, Maeva, Malene, Margarte, Maren, Merete, Olava, Petrine, Rigmor, Rona, Signy, Sigrid, Skjorta, Ulrika, Vigdis
Some titles:
Axe-Wife, Blue-Tooth, Bold-Lute, Crazy, Deep-Raed, Elf-Hewer, Farseer, Fine-Hair, Fire-Eye, Flat-Foot, Fork-Beard, Gray-Wave, Hairy-Breeks, Halfhand, Hard-Mouth, Heart-Fang, Hearth-Healer, Highlander, Home-Wrecker, Horse-Mouth, Long-Leg, Long-Tooth, Red-Spear, Red-tooth, Snow-Song, Swift-Sailer, Tallowhand, the Bloody, the Braggart, the Candle, the Clerk, the Craven, the Crow, the Dreamer, the Easterner, the Fair, the Flayer, the Gentle, the Halt, the Harrier, the Lean, the Long, the Mumbling, the Outlaw, the Peacock, the Quiet, the Rascal, the Raven, the Roarer, the Seal, the Smith, the Stone, the Stout, the Strange, the Strong, the Sweltering, the Unending, the Unworthy, the White, the Wild, Wave-Breaker, Whitebeard, Wind-Eye, Wine-Sot, Wolf-Runner
Bear-Arm, Black-Nail, Dark-Heart, Doom-Sayer, Fetid, Fog-Eye, God-Hater, Hairy-Legs, Hoar-Blood, Hollowleg, Home-Wrecker, Maulhand, Oaken-Hull, of the Isles, Ice-Veins, Bog-Trotter, the Burly, the Buxom, the Cautious, the Contemptible, the Cook, the Curse-Bringer, the Fair, the Harrier, the Laggard, the Naughty, the Northerner, the Outcast, the Pickled, the Portly, Red-Tooth, the Rotted, the Seal, the Sufficient, the Tall, the Ugly, the Unrestful, the Unwavering, the Wide, the World-Weary, the Worm, Wind-Shifter
* Taken from Morrowind and Oblivion NPCs.
Source: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Nord_Names
I personally like my Nord to be named Areas.