Namiras ring interferes with accepting the beast blood

Post » Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:23 am

I'm wondering if this was a bug or intentional as last night I drank Aelas beast blood from the fountain while wearing the Ring of Namira and nothing happened except taking a tasty sip, another drink and still nothing...I remove the ring and poof the transformation sound starts and the screen fades to black (like it's supposed to).

Has anyone experienced the same? I thought it was interesting, especially from a RP view, that the ring blocked the blood having an effect on me.

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Post » Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:01 pm

So that's why the "addperk" command didn't work!

I tried forcing a character to have the cannibalism perk (without the benefits) recently and it never stuck. He'd just get the "Cannibalims Perk added" message but never the effect. He was also a werewolf at the time.

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Alexx Peace
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Post » Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:10 am

hmm interesting, I was able to put the ring back on after I returned to human form and can still feast on people so I don't know what Daedric forces are at work here. :P

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Sam Parker
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Post » Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:35 pm

Well, I didn't have the ring so I have to manually add the perk to get it back. It is interesting though, I wonder if it's intentional? Like, maybe it's literally Daedric forces. :b

Maybe I should've just zapped the ring in and pretend he's cannibalizing corpses like a true Bosmer would, not because of another Daedric Prince.

Completely ignoring the fact that he's not religious nor does he have to eat the corpses of his enemies outside of Valenwood if he was.

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