Nano Recharge vs Energy Transfer

Post » Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:50 am

Lets get some talk about the game itself back in this forum!

Nano Recharge in my opinion is the superior module by a long shot! Now, I do understand the usefulness of energy transfer since a boost of energy is required to clear the scene after a kill, however nano recharge offers that plus much more. I find that the short amount of time it takes to shoot someone is usually long enough to get your energy back or close to full and I am rarely caught out of energy since I can recharge it in a fraction of the normal time it would take. That way I don't have to waste time finding little energy charging hiding spots. On top of all that it has the health benefits. You can take a long fall in cloak and recover almost immediately or take damage from an enemy and recover and kill him before their damage starts to heal and it really enhances max suits its way faster to recharge your health from all the damage they attract so you can keep on killing.

Anyone agree or disagree? Vote for your favorite!
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