Nano-vision was overnerfed

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:51 am

It is supposed to detect heat signatures (which makes the term nano-vision sort of pointless-just call it heat vision or what have you) so making it robust in detecting long range signatures is ridiculous. There should be background noise that makes long-range signatures unidentifiable.

Frankly, I think it is fine the way it is now. It is ok at spotting signatures at close to medium range. This game has dozens of serious issues and I don't think this is one of them.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:53 pm

Nanovision is fine. It was too powerful in the demo.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:42 pm

I bought the game because of the nanovision feature of the demo.

The current nerf make this game a invisible war. everyone cloak and its annoying, hide and seek.

the previous nanovision was fine tuned imo because it was draining points thus u were not really as effective as going cloaked or armored u woudl run out of energy fast but able to see others.

And it was a role as a team mate.

Now everyone go cloak and its up to who run out of energy before the others, and the skills assessment will help u achieve that which make higher level just invisible kills in bunch and bunch because they last longer.

Now the nanovision is useless its even harder to play with it on, so no one will use it, and everyone just go cloak.

Im not interested in a hide and seek game, if u hide atleast do it with style... before i could see u if u werent...

The only kills i can do is from ppl that uncloak, and its mostly how im killed, i dont call fun, i do it they do it, ok can we have some strategy now?

You have to adapt, but now its unbalanced as their no "rock" to the "scissor" play move everyone repeating... cloak go upclose and cant be spotted, thats not really fair as they get advantage over all the others possibility u have with the nanosuit.

Im pretty sure they going to change it, if not, ppl are simply going to drastically switch to the next new game because if there only 1 way to effectively play a multiplayer class game then whats the point of using armor or nanovision if they are useless as its already too late to respond to a cloaked backshot.

Huge thumb down for that nerf, it limit the game and make every cloaker abuse everyone else.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:47 am

I can see people cloaked easily enough without NV about 75% of the time. Add in Radar and its even easier. NV isnt even needed in this game. Ive gotten maybe 5 kills so far using it. Just hinders my vision most of the time

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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:15 am

I barely use nanovision at all anymore. I agree it needed changed from demo but now I can't even see people 2 feet away.... Personally in the final version I find it hard to even see non cloaked players in the open very easy without nano. Visor enhance helps some but they just seem to blend in to me. Unlike skyline where it was nice and bright and could see.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:37 am

It was nerfed because you could run around with it on the whole time and get the advantage on anybody at anytime.

I believe the purpose of nano vision was to counter the stealth function. I believe it still fulfills that function quite well.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:01 pm

they did a great job nerfing it, its not even overnerf, youre relying way too much on nano vision, thats why you see its overnerf, try to use your eyes a bit more.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:15 am

Now it's used for what it was supposed to be used for, e.g finding cloaked enemies in your close vicinity.

lol? nubs may use it at close range... until they realise that its utter waste of energy and even worse if enemy spots you also and then turns cloak off - you wont see him at all then.

I rarely use it now since I'm better off with spotting "blurry" mess from background.

they overnerfed it big time for sure.

nano should be balanced just by making it drain 3x times energy than it was so people could not run around with it and camp somewhere cloaked + nanovisaion.

now it works like what? 7 meters tops... which is 99% times useless.

just wait until ppl level so far that they get "cloack detector suit upgrade" then you'll whine like theres no tomorrow

they did a great job nerfing it, its not even overnerf, youre relying way too much on nano vision, thats why you see its overnerf, try to use your eyes a bit more.

lol can you make any more stupid statement? :D

it's not WORTH using at all, thats the point...

personally I dont care much because if I get into server wheres massive cloaking whoring going on, I just use my super-run setup: feline, energy transfer, covert, less drain from running and jumping.

and oh boy... I see nubskis decloaking everywhere even without properly disabling cloak first, they just try to spray me randomly and therefore draining their energy to 0... in about 3 seconds they are same as dead.

Soon we'll see forums full of "nerf sprinting in this game blabla"
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:09 am

lol , on demo people was complaning about nano vison why its so OP and etc , and after they nerfed it , now other complain why its useless ? come on

Its not as if game design is binary. Its iterative process with many variables to consider. I believe it is safe to say the previous iteration, with its chosen variables was fairly broken.
It is also fairly safe to say that the new version with its set of variables is still not quite right. While it destroyed the unbalancing factor of nanovision, it did it in such a way that players are stuck questioning why it even still exists in this form.
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Marine x
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:30 am

True! .. In the demo the range was infinite .. Now its like 10 meters .. All over that is gray .. And you don't really need it at that range anyway ..

Please: increased cost + rage = A better use for it ..
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:49 pm

Said I'd report back. Was fiddling around with it tonight. I think the range might still be a little too far, but nothing intolerable. I'll stick by my previous statement. It does what it's supposed to fine. Really can't imagine it was ever intended for spotting snipers to begin with. Would make the perks included in the game for that purpose entirely pointless.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:53 am

Honestly Id say its just stupid. You cant judge this at all whether its balanced or not. Its more "overused" and thats why its so fking OP.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:31 pm

i can't even see nearby cloaked player very well when i use nanovision, its really stupid, i can only see enemy that are close to me, and it can't even help me much on noticing nearby cloacked enemy, of course i could get killed easily, he noticed me when i'm still trying to figure out whether i'm seeing a cloacked enemy or not. And because of this on every servers that i tried to play most of people use invisible all the time that the game became totally not fun, at least for me.

Crytek should've just keep the nanovision range and double the energy cost, or make it only reveal nerby enemy but make it able to spot nearby cloacked enemy better, like make the color intensity the same as if he didn't use invisibility. I feel sorry for my friend for buying this game, thank god i decided to see what people think of it first before i bought it, i almost buy it on steam cause i love the demo.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:12 pm

IMO, they should increas the power of NNV, while keeping the range the same. And also, the power consumption is way too low, it should be increased by 2-2.5 times i think.
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Kate Schofield
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