Nanosuit anolysis

Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:58 am

Hey when you see the nanosuit intro in Crysis 2,
it briefly shows you how suit modes work.
And eventhough they were showing how nanites stimulated
muscles cells in strength mode, I can't seem to have come
close to how they exactly work...
All I see is semi organic cells travel around muscle fibers and all the way
down to myofilaments where contraction takes place and attach to
those, presumably, mysinhead. Then kinda just pulls it?

If anyone can theorize how they work. Feel free to.

And one more thing.
In crysis 1, speed mode shows some kind of silver colored molecules dropped
into blood stream which accelerates blood cycle.. What are they!?

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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:38 pm

They are nanobots. They (probably) bind to your blood cells and make them bigger and able to carry more oxygen.
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:38 pm

but that doesn't mean you are gonna get super strength...
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:00 am

I was very close to just giving the "it's a video game, in a fictional setting, so let it be what it is" but to try to be a BIT more detailed than that:

I'd say that since Crysis 2 takes places in the future, technology has been developed that we currently do not understand or know of yet that allows Nanosuit wearers to do what they do. I'm sure you could do SOME digging to find some answers in text or dialogue, but maybe not even. I'm sure Crytek wouldn't want to bore players with all of the little details of the exact science of Nanosuits, and give you the basic version so you can get to having fun with it
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Heather M
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:10 pm

but that doesn't mean you are gonna get super strength...

Yes it would. Why do think your d*** gets stronger when you get a boner. Or why you get tired and can't lift anymore, it's because the blood cells are saturated and can't get enough oxygen to the muscles.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:49 am

uh..... clearly it has nothing to do with oxygen if it requires suit energy, the nanites are obviously bonding with the muscle tissue altering the cellular structure to actually create a temporary substitute for muscles contractors. The contractors can be seen "inflating" through out his arm and creating a more compact structure, however regardless of his muscles extreme density, it would be exceedingly difficult for him, alone, to be able to rip metal from metal, which is suggesting the suit is assisting partially in his strength process. Gully is partially right though, a boner is actually when you get increased blood pressure, oxygen supply just goes hand in hand. The pressure is being put out by the heart, which again, i cant say the suit is messing with his heart either, to give him super strength.

Although I remember a while back on the fictional promotional trailer release by Crynet, they claimed the user never gets tired, never gets sleepy, and possibly never has to eat. Seems the suit has taken over some of the brains "core" functions, suggesting it can modify or "overclock" basic metabolic rates or synthesize adjustable hormones at will.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:22 am

If the suit muscles are contracting it would work in the same way as if your own muscles were contracting.. except the suit's muscles are alot stronger.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:52 am

Well in the first game the suits cry fibril actually did the strength part, human wasn't enhanced, the nano bots accelerated blood flow as response time, In the second the suit enhances the suit operator, you can see that it improves human muscle and it increases muscle mass by a lot, I don't have a flipping clue how speed mode works as the sprint is normal human which somehow requires energy, jumping is a bit bigger than in Crysis without strength mode(You can actually jump on those Tin Roofs in the first game) and all the things like faster reloading require modules? Plus its meant to have a bigger energy reserve and be more efficient but it seems to have gone backwards(except strength like kicking a car 20 meters)... ya the cryfibril is meant to have 10 times or whatever more energy storage for faster and faster hits... its on the crysis wikia

the suit is symbiotic so I guess it can 'grow' on you like when you see the muscles turn yellowish from the nanosuit?

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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:24 am

The nanosuit does not increase the muscle mass of the wearer. The wearer's strength is augmented by the muscles of the nanosuit.

..except in the case of Alcatraz, whom has no strength without the use of the nanosuit.. you know, cos he's basically dead.
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anna ley
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:03 am

The nanosuit does not increase the muscle mass of the wearer. The wearer's strength is augmented by the muscles of the nanosuit.

..except in the case of Alcatraz, whom has no strength without the use of the nanosuit.. you know, cos he's basically dead.

Just bacause some of the organs are damaged it doesn't affect muscle performance as long as there is signals between his brain and the muscles and the nanosuit provides energy too, being able to fall 50 metres and just get up is amazing :)

towards the end you can see the suit enhancing muscle mass and what looks like huge red blood cells that allow em to do more work faster and stronger without getting tired.. too bad we don't get to get that sense of acceleration as seen when he sprints for 10 metres onto the tank or the strength when he kicks the CELL soldier... or the large jump afterwards... FOV's fault maybe?
The suit keeps ya drugged up and controls lactic acid amounts in muscles etc...

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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:49 am

Thank you coolguycooldude. You came closest to explaining how they work. You forgot about speedmode but man... tha thats agood explanation. Thanks again.
and thanks for ur opinion danthegamer11. I think they put module selections to mak ethe game more fun.

And i knowthis is all science fiction but just because its future tech unexplanable **** doesnt mean they are not gonna say "hey this pill makes you superman"
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:48 am

Ruff! They might of added them so that you have to think tactically? I isn't that unexplainable as EAP's are being developed(although they are crap like hell), plus the technology is meant to be Ceph but I haven't seen any Ceph with advanced technology(apart from weapons)... I WANT EPIC BOSS FIGHTS IN CRYSIS 3! if ya need more explaining ask us!
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:04 am

The suit does not increase the physical muscle mass of the wearer. It DOES release nanocytes into the bloodstream, but these DO NOT increase the wearer's muscle mass.

And modules are a cheap sellout appeal to the CoD perk system. They give the illusion of advancement, but people forget that the N1 could do alot of that stuff without needing to give up other abilities.

N1 could reload fast without a module, they could stay in armour mode indefinitely, they could reduce recoil, they could sprint for long periods in normal sprint AND sprint a ton faster than the N2 in speed mode.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:00 am

Yeah I was really disappointed that there was no challenging boss in C2... really lame dude... Or N2 is too good???

and yeah mickey, I agree with that. N1 was the real suit. N2 seemed to have dumbed down or crytek wanted to make it look more like real...
In real life, there is no possible way a human being can run as fast as a vehicle like in C1.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:20 am

Yeah I was really disappointed that there was no challenging boss in C2... really lame dude... Or N2 is too good???

and yeah mickey, I agree with that. N1 was the real suit. N2 seemed to have dumbed down or crytek wanted to make it look more like real...
In real life, there is no possible way a human being can run as fast as a vehicle like in C1.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:28 am

Thats just it, the N1 was a suit, the N2 seems to actually integrate with the user, and yes, the N2 does seem to modify the user as well as I posted earlier, even in the video we see the suit is changing him internally, the nanites actually are stabilizing his occipital cones to synthesize images straight to his brain, without the need of the visor. We have all heard that the suit grows into him, so why cant it BOND to him? A mutual symbiosis, one requires the other, and bro, press shift while aiming, he'll activate strength and you'll get perfect aim, the N2 can do everything the first can and more besides super sprint. The suit already controls his internal chemical balance,........which is what pretty much controls who we are...... so the suit can actually manipulate Alcatraz, but it doesn't want to take it to far noticing it needs him to function.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:07 am

LOl it is well established that all the nanosuits were symbiotic in the cutscene of the argument between Prophet and Hargreave. It was heavily iomplied that the N1 also had this feature.

As for the steady aim, the module is about equivalent to the benefit you got from the N1, the N2 'power mode' is not nearly as good. I'm also pretty sure you can't jump as high in the N2, which they remedied by adding ledge grab.

The N1 would be FAR superior if Crysis had the ledge-grab and stealth kill game mechanics.
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matt oneil
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:01 am

yeah but that power aim is only in the campaign... There bettter be something like that on multiplayer.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:34 pm

yeah but that power aim is only in the campaign... There bettter be something like that on multiplayer.
If it was in multiplayer I would guarantee you your brains would be on the floor every time, because its the breathing and recoil that prevents me from hitting your head not my aim.
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