Nanosuit gameplay feedback, PC

Post » Sat May 07, 2011 9:12 pm

I like the new streamlined use of abilities and the interaction with certain objects (power kick/melee). The only thing that detracts from the continuous action (I assume that's the idea for the new suit) is the fact that I have to wait for the suit to recharge/other enemies will get a free kill (no power).

Some things that I think will make everyone happy (campaign and multiplayer) while keeping the game balanced:

1. Remove the energy drain from power kick/melee interaction with objects. It already takes a while to charge the kick and you can't really do it without coming out of stealth.

2. Make "Air Stomp" a default ability that doesn't drain energy. It takes timing and the right situation to do it, not to mention that after you do it, you are frozen in place and unable to do anything for a couple seconds. Even if you stealth right away you are frozen in place and anyone could guess where to shoot. Armor would probably mean certain death as well, but at least you can sprint or jump away.

Just a couple things I think could make the game better overall.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 9:05 pm

I agree on both, although make them both use a little bit of energy (~15 or so).

If the moves were actually powerful, they'd be worth the drain. As they are, it's suicide.
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Nick Swan
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