Currently I have made NO upgrades (the system hasn't interested me at all...unlike the upgrades in the Bioshock games). I have 27,000 points in the bank, so to speak.
Question 1:
If I don't use my upgrade points in this game, will they be available in a new game? Hell, I might even try and finish this first game I'm on with NO upgrades.
Question 2:
If I upgrade my nanosuit, do the changes carry on into new games? And what about unused points? Do they carry over too?
Question 3:
Is the game glitchy for those nano particles from dead Cylons you have to collect? I don't seem to get them for EVERY Cylon I kill...just some of them have this. And they're available even when your marines kill the Cylons instead of you. So, yeah, how glitchy is this game? In general it seems to be really glitchy at times...e.g the enemy AI can veer from idiotic to glitchy sometimes.