» Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:43 pm
I was contemplating for a long time whether or not to do it. I though, what the hell, it SAYS that my stats will be fine, only my progression and unlocks will be removed.
I was number 8 on wins, the only non stathacked board(pretty much) with almost 600 wins, and now that is all gone. All my kills all my stats, wiped clean, when it SPECIFICALLY said stats will be preserved!
I call bull****, I worked hard for those stats and I demand them back! This happened to a friend of mine too.
Guys, when you reach 50.... don't be tempted by fancy dogtags whatnot, nanosuit reboot is the biggest bogus of them all. I am very, very disappointed. Seriously, the missing promised DX11 is nothing compared to this.
inb4 umad OP? Yes. I mad.
Aww, so you did reboot. I should've told you about the bugs involved, but since you told me you wouldn't do it I didn't bother. Sorry m8.
Now let me add here: Crazyfist is not a "stats whore", he's just doing whatever is needed for his team to win, even if it hurts his K/D sometimes. It's great to have him as a team mate, which is pretty rare these days. People that call that stats whoring probably never did exceptionally well at anything. We let you enjoy your mediocrity (or worse), so let us enjoy our success please.