(Yes, I'm aware someone beat me to it, but I have pictures)
(All images were posted on photobucket if you happen to care.)
(Yes, they are 854x480, my computer is that terrible.)

The Nanosuit Reboot option pops up under your clan tag option after you hit Maximum Lv50

Stats before Nanosuit Reboot

The two messages that pop up. Basically, what it does and ARE YOU SURE?!

Cool little reboot animation and reboot dog tag received.

Stats completely reset, ALL dog tags were kept. (No picture but ALL assessments were reset)

SCAR C.E.L.L. Weapon Skin unlocked. (No picture but it seems like the SCAR is the only weapon that receives the skin.

Nanosuit Reboot Assessments. All are pretty much 500 headshots or 500 kills (for the weapons that can't achieve a headshot) and give 7500XP
Another note, stats do not come back even after you play one match.
EDIT - Another note, If you are a Limited Edition player, you reset back to Lv5.