Nanosuit Reboot - What was "upgraded"?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:01 pm

Well, today I used nanosuit reboot (I have no idea why or what I was expecting)... and of course, looks like I need to get around 10,000 kills with different modules in order to get all my modules maxed out again. Oh, the joy.

Anyways, the last step of the pretty graphical thing it does when you're rebooting (mostly just telling you all the stuff you're losing, all of it was bad), said "upgrading hardware..."

Please, devs, can you shed some light on this and what was "upgraded" if anything? I noticed that the symbols for each level next to your name are different, but what else is going on? Is it really all just for a dog tag ( somewhat stupidly called "Born Again!"...)

Please reply and thank you in advance.

Oh, and is there going to be any reason to reboot a second time (might as well not bother leveling modules... again)? Thanks!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:54 am

Oh HELL. The Dog Tag now bugged as is gone. I have a star on the spot where it should be, I even have it equipped (it shows on my character info tag background), but it has a locked symbol on it...
Could I get any support on this? That really, really svcks.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:08 am

Yes... bugged... shoulda done more research before you did that.

Again, like all statistics, you have to do unlocks, and even that nanosuit reboot, while inside the lobby of a ranked server. If you didn't, you're effed.

And oh just to answer your question... as far as I know, yes it's only for one damn dog-tag <_<;
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:11 am

They said they FIXED it... my stats and modules and everything aren't just reset, they're all screwed up now, half full, half reset, half full but with their stats showing them not, and vica-versa...

...What now?
EDIT: Where would I submit for support? Patch 1.4 said it was fixed. I can't believe they still have not gotten the function of SAVING DATA working yet.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:32 pm

theres no point rebooting a second time u get nothing for it
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:40 am

Actually three times yet to get another dog tag... that is if it managed to not glitch
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:43 pm

They fixed it, but nothing was "upgraded". (See patch notes: "Fixes to the Nanosuit Reboot option available at level 50." Listen to the Devs and they will listen to you.)

The problem was statistics being reset when the Nanosuit Reboot tells you they won't be reset. I had a friend who did the reboot and he was reset to 0 days, 0 kills, etc; but now that doesn't seem to be the case. As for modules not reseting, well go play a match once and what do you know? They reset back to 0! Hell, it still said lvl3 for some of the modules and when they reset, I had about 7 to 12 kills for them.

Nanosuit rebooting in a game lobby is... well.. stupid. All the lobby saving issues (Like with squads) are still present, so I doubt doing this stuff in a lobby which puts you at the mercy of the server's connection is a great idea.

I thought the idea of Prestiging-I MEAN-Suit Rebooting was to start over again from scratch for nothing? The reward is... wait there isn't a reward. It's something you personally choose to do if you wanna play the game more.

The only problem I've gotten in the missing "Born Again" tag for suit rebooting, but I don't really give a rip about it that much. I am sure I can live without it until Crytek fixes it. The game is already quite enjoyable as is and I highly doubt 1 missing dog tag will subtract it.

(edit: Fixed a typo here and there)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:10 pm

I'm hoping a Crytek employee can shed some light on the benefits of Nanosuit Rebooting for the 2nd, 3rd and onward times. I know the 1st provides you with the 'Born Again' Dog Tag along with a Camo Skin for the SCAR/SCARAB (not sure about others).

I'm assuming the benefits improve with each time you 'reboot' - but I doubt anyone has been able to reach 50 for a 2nd time as of yet.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:31 am

I'm hoping a Crytek employee can shed some light on the benefits of Nanosuit Rebooting for the 2nd, 3rd and onward times. I know the 1st provides you with the 'Born Again' Dog Tag along with a Camo Skin for the SCAR/SCARAB (not sure about others).

I'm assuming the benefits improve with each time you 'reboot' - but I doubt anyone has been able to reach 50 for a 2nd time as of yet.

Actually, I have been playing every single day since launch and have already rebooted once. I am almost level 23 or 24 I believe. Although it's just a few hours day because of college. I will hit 50 in a two weeks at worst.

When you hit 50 for the first time you get the CELL skin for most weapons, so we will see if level 50 prestige rank one provides me with another skin or something along those lines. As I've heard, you can reboot 5 times in total, I am unlikely to do so again until I know that it won't reset all my stats again and I will earn something new and cool.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:54 am

Actually, I have been playing every single day since launch and have already rebooted once. I am almost level 23 or 24 I believe. Although it's just a few hours day because of college. I will hit 50 in a two weeks at worst.

When you hit 50 for the first time you get the CELL skin for most weapons, so we will see if level 50 prestige rank one provides me with another skin or something along those lines. As I've heard, you can reboot 5 times in total, I am unlikely to do so again until I know that it won't reset all my stats again and I will earn something new and cool.

Please keep us posted mate (or PM me) - interested to see what a 2nd Reboot might have in store for us. I have also heard there was a limit of 5, which feeds my theory that there must be atleast 5 'set aside' things for people doing it.

I hope...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:07 am

I wish I could tell you what the second reboots does but cry-tek must have done it for me because I sure as hell didn't click that button. I logged in after I patched today and found my guy at lvl 7. Stats stayed but all unlocks gone.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:59 am

i have already rebooted twice and i recieved nothing for it
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:19 pm

i have already rebooted twice and i recieved nothing for it

How many experience points are you sitting at now?
You must have a lot of time on your hands to 2nd reboot already; or maybe I am just not playing enough. Whatever the reason, as long as the stats don't reset anymore I might just do all 5 reboots, I've got plenty of time till battlefield 3.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:36 am

-Bump- I would like to know what the point is of rebooting as well.
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james tait
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:39 pm

I am a bit confused now. Yesterday I rebooted and seems to reset like level, class, weapon unlocks, etc... The leaderboard statistics were still there, that's ok but all my skill assesments like my lvl3 suit modules were still there, too (of course not every one is available and grey). Today I logged in again and saw that all of my modules are now reset like my skill assesments.

The question is should modules and skill assesments be reset when rebooted or is this a bug? Yesterday after the reboot they were still recorded and available , today they are gone?

Would be nice to here some official statement what a nanosuit reboot really does.


Edit: A few minutes ago I unlocked the laser sight for the SCAR, which was the only attachment in the skill assesments list with full upgrade all other were reset. Ok so I relogged again and now Lasersight goes from level 3 to 0 like all others. That means when you reboot and unlock something you will still have all/the skill assesments from before the reboot untill next log in, seems to be a bug.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:16 am

Would also like to know why the game type assessments did not reset, not sure if this is supposed to be this way or just yet another bug.

Kind of a shame of the pretty neat looking dog tag but oh well... should have known better when they said fixes to the nanosuit reboot option... Ofcourse they did not mean all of them at once. ><
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:56 am

I have 30k exp till I get to reboot, I will make a full video from start to finish on the rebooting process when I am done maybe this week sometime and I shall post it here to see what is affected.

So check back, I hope this'll help some people, and I'll do it in a lobby and everything so maybe my dog tag will stay, we shall see.

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:48 pm

Pffff i rebooted yesterday. the problem is i got the dogtag reborn or somthing
and now its gone :S
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:00 am

Right now rebooting is useless. I did it 1 time, it worked, resetted everything but the statistics. Everything else rebooted.

Nanosuit reboots:

1st time) Apart from the new icon you get in the servers lobby, you get a dog tag "Born Again -- Nanosuit Reboot 1 time".

2nd time) Previous icon upgraded and nothing else (i guess ?).

3rd time) In the statistics i see some people who already rebooted 3 times. I guess, the same **** happens. Just an icon upgrade.

4th time) ??? apart from the icon upgrade.

Fifth time) You get a new dog tag "Eternal Warrior -- Nanosuit Reboot 5 times" and ???

- Can you reboot even more after that?

Thats all i know, i wanted to show you the icon but i can't find an image, when i will get back to home i will post one.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:42 am

For those who haven't rebooted yet, better stay 50 for a while until the game is completely polished.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:42 pm

I rebooted, made a video, will hopefully get it uploaded soon. :)

Basically I went back to level 5, Stealth, Armour and Power are level 1. I still have Amrour Enhance 3 and Stealth Enhance 3 as I get them at the start. I got a "Born Agin" dog tag. But it disappears after restarting the game. And I got a CELL skin for the Scar.

My stats are all still there, along with my **** K/D ratio that I wanted rid of. Haha.

Oh well.

Doesn't bother me so much, I get a cool little icon that tells everyone I am epic. ;)

:D Will edit for video uplaod soon.



WTF is with the QUALITY? Mannnnnnn. Lol.
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