Nanosuit Soldier vs Spartan Supersoldier from Halo

Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:54 am

Its just simple in a direct fight you can put a nanosuit soldier against a Spartan 2 the Nanosuit would get torn apart before he manages to depleat its shields its imposible for a Nanosuit to be better than a mojolin armor it has shields,it has an onboard AI,it gives the Spartans more strenght than they already have and more enhanced reflexes wile a nano soldier has limited time to use those powers and that self repearing nano weed is not usefule any more if the wearer has died. ^_^
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:38 am

Man u really need to get a life
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luke trodden
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:28 am

I'd expect fanboys to drool all over the nanosuit 2, but also that they know absolutely nothing about Mjolnir Mark VI.

I mean, Yeah, the Nanosuit 2 has built-in cloaking forever and looks about a million times cooler, but the Mjolnir Mark VI has shield where if you were to shoot a spartan for the same amount of time, he'd soak up at least 5x the regular amount of damage a nanosuit would sustain before it's occupant dies from bullets.

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aisha jamil
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:36 am

The Mjolnir suit only locks itself so John could survive the fall. The suits power didn't fail for if it had, suit pressurization would've failed and John would be toast. Plus, he was in shock from the fall.

Actually one of the marines pretty much says that the suit is down and he can't even get readings off of it (he does not even know if john is alive within it). You also know that the orbital re-entry scene was pure, unadvltered "cutscene power to the max" (maximum cutscene!). Still....for a mark VI mijolnir power failure = coffin....Nanosuit power failure = eventually will recharge without trapping the wearer.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:26 am

Nano suit vs Spartan 1 = Nano Suit
Nano Suit vs Spartan 2 = Spartan 2 and it would be embarrassing
Nano Suit vs Spartan 3 = Spartan 3

It's only a video game but comparing 21st century tech to 24th century tech doesn't really make sense. Spartans are super humans (both physically and mentally) that alone gives them a significant advantage even without their armour and AI.

Anyone read Reach? John 117 (master chief) gets in a fight with 3 ODSTs, he sidekicks one and pretty much rips him in two and that was whilst he was in his gym vest.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:31 am

uh...yeah....the whole 24th century vs 21st centure thing is faulty.

Mass Effect is set inthe 21 hundreds and (without going into it) humanity has technolnogy that would smoke anything humanity has in the halo universe


"you fool, why do you always jump? one day you are going to find a rock more stubborn than you and I don't do bits and pieces!"
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:56 am

Anyone read Reach? John 117 (master chief) gets in a fight with 3 ODSTs, he sidekicks one and pretty much rips him in two and that was whilst he was in his gym vest.
Doesn't the USMC have any rules against soldiers killing each other in mess hall brawls?
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:12 am

Anyone read Reach? John 117 (master chief) gets in a fight with 3 ODSTs, he sidekicks one and pretty much rips him in two and that was whilst he was in his gym vest.
Doesn't the USMC have any rules against soldiers killing each other in mess hall brawls?

At this point the Spartan programme was still a secret, the ODSTs had no idea they weren't fighting a normal marine. I expect it was cleaned up and not talked about.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:08 pm

One of the main reasons if not the main reason why John survived the re-entry wasn't maximum cut-scene or whatever people mentioned earlier. If he alone fell from atmosphere, he would have died easily. John survived because broke off a hatch from the covenant ship that was in re-entry and he used it as a shield so he wouldn't burn up in atmosphere. Not only that the hatch he used to shield himself would have slowed his descent greatly and enough so the gel layers within the suit could take the impact of slamming into the dirt.

Also I don't think the spartan would have a problem finding a nanosuit that was cloaked because, in the opening cut-scene oh H3 He clearly can see arbiter and puts a gun to his throat/mouth without second guessing where he was.

Overall I'd say the Spartan in the Mjolnir armor would win (though it also depends on the spartan) against a marine in a nanosuit, regardless of the version. Though Since I'm a normal human being and NOT an augmented supersoldier I would have no other choice but to wear a nanosuit and try my best.

(Also, just a side bit of info. John could run faster than Kelly at one point in time but once while he was running his fastest he tore his Achilles tendon.)
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:32 am

I think im gonna make my own armor called pimp armor.

And anytime anyone with any armor suit comes near mine a huge pimp hand forms and smacks them back into last week.

Therefore between MC and NS my suit is the best..

The only advantage for the person with the other armor is that they get to live last week over again.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:52 am

Spartan 3's were still superior in every way to ODSTs. They made significant process in improving the success rate for argumentations that it meant anyone could become a Spartan.

Johnson didn't activate the gel that was all done by the suit, watch the video I just posted.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:57 am

spartan, even if that was just an issue with the Gel Layer that only adds another problem to the pile.

the problem is that the Mijolnir is, de facto, a mini-mech (it is even described as such in the lore). And like ANY such complex machineries the if somethign breaks then **** hits the fan. The number 1 problem with Mark 1, 2 and 3 was a power supply, because no power = armor turns into a very expensive coffin

The Nanosuit does not have this kind of problem, granted its enhancements are no way near as marked as the Mijolnir of course

That said tho, Self repairing and healing is definitely a field in which the Nanosuit is superior
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:38 am

Spartan 3's were still superior in every way to ODSTs. They made significant process in improving the success rate for argumentations that it meant anyone could become a Spartan.

Johnson didn't activate the gel that was all done by the suit, watch the video I just posted.

Didn't play for a longer time, so you are right. No energy it is just a bunch of waste ^^

So I agree nanosuit is much better in this case no energy but you can still move.

Win for Nanosuit :)
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:21 am

counter argument, though nano suit maybe self repairing it's still 21st century tech going up against 24th Century. That's like the Samurai vs the gatling gun in Last Samurai.

Another point, Spartan argumentation means a Spartan's body even without the Mjolnir is still 40% titanium! So a Spartan 2 could fight a with his/her bare hands against a Nano Suit soldier.

Spartan 2s are around 9ft tall, house fly reflexes so they pretty much see in slow mo. Whereas the nano suit needs to charge up for maximum power*. In Fall of Reach to test the Mjolnir, Oni actually tries to kill John!! It comes to a climix when they send a fighter plane to blow him up. John 117 parries the missle with his hand A MISSILE!!

WITH HIS HAND!! (I would have paid $20 just to see Neil Blomkamp remake this scene from the book!!)

edit: sorry I'm repeating myself ...time to lay off the Tyskie

*Spartans are neurally intergrated into the Mjolnir armour, they become one with the suit and the AI.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:16 am

dude,the whole 21st centuryvs 24th century tech argument is BS. Take Mass Effect, it takes place in the 22nd century BUT in that fictional timeline the tech smokes anything in halo (hell every weapon is a railgun with enough power to pulverize bones on impace with a projectile the size of a grain of sea salt and nearly unlimited ammo) .

That said we are comparing the armors not the wearers...imagine what john 117 would be wearing a Nanosuit 2
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:32 am

thought this would help
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:37 pm

dude,the whole 21st centuryvs 24th century tech argument is BS. Take Mass Effect, it takes place in the 22nd century BUT in that fictional timeline the tech smokes anything in halo (hell every weapon is a railgun with enough power to pulverize bones on impace with a projectile the size of a grain of sea salt and nearly unlimited ammo) .

That said we are comparing the armors not the wearers...imagine what john 117 would be wearing a Nanosuit 2
yeah, if we was comparing wearers, the out come can be any thing, depending on who was wearing what, and how much time they've spent inside said suit. But when it comes to Armor, Spartan armor would out last the Nano suit cause it has shields and it has armor plating, but when it comes to every thing else, the Nano suit takes the Spartan armor and kicks it's ass, The nano suit can power down and not hinder the wearer, nor can it break as easily. But the nice thing about the Spartan armor hindering the wearer when there's no power, is locking up the armor, if a wearer goes rouge, then the suit can be powered off/locked up, and the wearer can't move until unlocked.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:20 am

Crysis's Nanosuit Soldiers would destroy anything from Halo its a fact Halo is a poor man's ringworld knock off at least the Crysis games are cool
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:09 am

What a boring question
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:15 am

Crysis's Nanosuit Soldiers would destroy anything from Halo its a fact Halo is a poor man's ringworld knock off at least the Crysis games are cool
It's a poor man's Ringworld with Space Marines, but that doesn't change the fact that it having 0 originality or svcking (depending on your point of view) isn't an argument as to why Nanosuits would win. Non-sequitur, much?
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:44 am

dude,the whole 21st centuryvs 24th century tech argument is BS. Take Mass Effect, it takes place in the 22nd century BUT in that fictional timeline the tech smokes anything in halo (hell every weapon is a railgun with enough power to pulverize bones on impace with a projectile the size of a grain of sea salt and nearly unlimited ammo) .

That said we are comparing the armors not the wearers...imagine what john 117 would be wearing a Nanosuit 2

But then there is no point to this thread, because the Spartans were designed for the suit, normal human soldiers can't wear the suit, it would kill them. Which was one of my previous points, I reckon a Spartan 2 could go toe to toe with a Nano Suit soldier without the Mjolnir armour.

Cortana would also hack the nano suit.

Seriously read Fall of Reach, it's a very good book! It goes into great detail how they developed the suit and the Spartans.

thought this would help

That was pretty beastly!

But the nice thing about the Spartan armor hindering the wearer when there's no power, is locking up the armor, if a wearer goes rouge, then the suit can be powered off/locked up, and the wearer can't move until unlocked.

Wait what? Where are you getting this information from, this isn't true. If the armour is powered off it doesn't lock up. Lock up is there to protect the user from heavy impact that would cause severe internal damage.

Nano suit wins on looks only :p

What a boring question

Thanks for sharing your insightful opinion LOL
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:08 am

I believe it depends on where they are fighting and with what weapons, the Nanosuit 2 would have the upper hand if the battle was taking place in an urban area where the user could easily take down the enemy using stealth tactics. But who knows, maybe it would be smarter to combine their strengths instead of making them kill each other to appease certain gamers.

No offense intended
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:32 pm

The literature is completely irrelevant because it is OUTSIDE of the game, and Crysis has no comparible literature on which to base conclusions that are unrepresented in gameplay.

What we know is that nanosuit guys can swim/breathe under water and spartans cannot
We know they are both strong and can jump high
We know they both have armour
We know that nanosuit invisibility smokes active camo

..Plus, saying MasterChief could go toe to toe with a nanosuit without his armour is dumb. He is augmented, but he is not wolverine. Any injuries he sustained would not instantly heal, and his body would not be equipped to deal with the impact of a nanosuit hit - his bones being nigh-unbreakable is pretty irrelevant where the impact is concerned.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:47 am

^new contest: Nanosuit-wearing Batman versus Wolverine.
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:41 pm

Thats why I mentioned Spartan having hightened senses, they see in slow motion, they have super human strength, speed and masters of martial arts.

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