» Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:36 am
I’m going off Halo: Reach, Spartans have much more abilities to go off and majority of them are equip to the suit user. They have unparallel strength that is derived from the suit, but without it, they are nothing. One of the top things people don't realize, that the suits are build to use majority of the power behind the weight of the suit, meaning the punches from a Spartan suit would kill someone almost instantly with a punch. 2 tons of steel slamming into your skull would do massive damage.
Not only this, they can run indefinitely without having to use suit energy and have a shield that protects them from projectiles. Even if someone gets through their shielding, normal bullets would do half the damage as regular armor that is organic like Nanosuit. An electromagnetic pulse wouldn’t even faze the user in the suit, meaning they could continue to move while nuclear bombs go off. One of the biggest advantages of the Spartan Armor is the fact that they can swap out modules on the fly while battling against a horde of enemies. These suits were designed for straight up war.
Now let’s look at the Nanosuit. It has a built in armor mode that can deflect or absorb bullets, but only last as long as the energy is there. Stealth mode has a faint line around the user, but it is not that hard to find someone who is there. You can’t fire from stealth mode, meaning it drops as soon as you fire a single shot. This shield has no shielding, not giving it double protection at all. Even though a Spartan has to pick up and swap out his modes, they have more modes to choose from giving them a variety of choices. The Nanosuit is organic in nature, meaning that shots can penetrate the armor if you are not in armor mode. Very vital flaw.
Information flow in the Nanosuit is limited at best, but gives the user unparallel computing power because it is directly hardwire to the users brain. It is not designed to withstand EMP blasts, meaning that a single EMP blast can render the suit ineffective and allowing for easy kills. It uses nanites to increase the user’s strength on will, but it takes time to use the strength unlike Spartans already having the strength on hand. The Nanosuit does take damage from high heights, while a Spartan has to be higher up to die.
In all sense, A Spartan would win the battle, due to the suit’s protections it provides and the ability to offer a wide range of modes they can choose from. Not only things, the biggest and single flaw can be used is the EMP. Simple set off a portable EMP generator and the Nanosuit is render ineffective, giving a Spartan a easy kill.