» Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:38 am
It seems to me that it all comes down to who is in the Suit - So if you swaped Alcatraz and Master Chief and put them in one anothers suits the Nanosuit would win, but as it is, I'd have to say MJOLNIR wins - And I hate Halo with a passion, so there is no bias there..
The nanosuit can cloak, and therefore win. Unless anyone can point out a countermeasure that MC could use against this, the matter is settled.
not to mention the augmentations give Spartans heightened eyesight, and hearing, among other senses.
not to mention even if Alcatraz got the jump on the spartan the neural implants enable to suit to move as fast as the user can think so im sure the chief would be like oh **** and quickly dispatch Alcatraz. and the bones of a spartan would make their skeletal structure virtually unbreakable if he tried to snap his neck.
also, I know TC said a spartan super soldier, I'f we're talking about John in the Mk.VI we need to define if were talking about him in the video games or him in the books because John in the books is made to be invincible. Those who have read the books would agree
not sure if this was mentioned in the earlier posts but TC mentioned the H3 version of the suit so we're talking about the Mk. VI