Spartan can flip a tank like it was a soda can, I don't know if that makes them 10x stronger but it makes them significantly stronger when you consider how much effort it takes the Nano suit to detach a HMG lol. Prophet uses maximum strength to rip the turret from the assault vehicle in the intro, MC hijacks tanks and punches them 4 times causing them to explode.
But in all seriousness, when you include the Halo cannon to the rules the Mjolnir beats the nano suit hands down, and I still stand by my original statement that MC could go toe to toe with Prophet without his mjolnir and Cortana.
But if you are talking about in game, I think it's more in favour of the nano suit because of the number of modes it pocesses. But some of those Halo kiddies make it seem like they came out of their mother's womb with a sniper rifle, don't know if a nano suit could match that lol.
alcatraz sheesh... where does he flip a tank? halo cannon? i doubt mc would survive for long without any armor against a nanosuit soldier and if you have a specially trained operatior like the the original raptor team... plus psyco is going to call mc a muppet which weakens him! and technically it doesn't take any effort for the nanosuit to rip off a hmg cause no energy used and the human does it

i dont get why they clone people to replace the spartans when they are small? couldnt they just use the clones?
sorry if i sound mean thats how i write quickly

oo and apparantly speed mode in the first game heightened reflexes and stuff! dunno if its the same for 2.0
the nanosuit is much more realistic too!
and you its perfectly possible to construct it with eap when they get advanced enough... who know what the government has behind curtains!
:O the reason spped mode isn't as fast is because of online lag lol!
if u take training into account, all nanosuitters are at a disadvantage.
Spartans are taken in at the age of 5 and genetically modified(of which like 90% die from) and trained vigirously from then on.
Alcatraz saved new york.
Nomad saved a woman.
Psycho is jason statham and kissed a guy.
MC saved the universe... 3 times.