Stealth: Nanosuit
The Nanosuit is one of the best cloak and anti-cloak tools available. Nanovision is unbeatable, and its ability to tag cloaked units effectively nullifies any cloak. Some Spartans have night vision, others have flashlights, but in any case very few are equipped with the means to reliably detect a cloaked enemy. However, Spartans do have motion trackers, which will function against Nanosuit users unless they move slowly enough. If a Spartan is able to react before being assassinated, Armor Lock (if equipped) will not only prevent assassination, but disable the Nanosuit with an EMP. Since MJOLNIR Mark V is compatible with active camouflage systems, a cloaked Spartan would only be detectable with Nanovision.
Durability: MJOLNIR
Spartans have energy shields. It's way more resilient than Armor Mode could ever be--and that's just the shields. MJOLNIR armor also doesn't suffer from crashes, unlike the Nanosuit 2.0. Given that large-caliber weapons are the norm in the 2500's, there's no reason to believe that a Nanosuit soldier can outgun a Spartan, even if both are equally accurate. The underlying armor in the MJOLNIR system is also extremely dense--it's virtually impervious to small arms fire. That means nothing short of the SCAR would penetrate the armor, even on successive shots. The SCAR would take at least half a clip to kill an unshielded Spartan, and more than one full clip to down a Spartan's shield. By contrast, assault rifles such as the MA5C are at least Grendel-strength. Battle rifles, DMRs, etc. are even stronger. Nanosuit users are strictly limited to hit-and-run tactics.
Reaction time: MJOLNIR
Spartans with MJOLNIR Mark V or above can be outfitted with an AI, which would lower reaction time to almost 0, with no side effects. Nanosuit users, on the other hand, experience side effects due to prolonged combat.
Strength: MJOLNIR
Although the Nanosuit is capable of incredible feats of strength, such as kicking a car, Spartans wearing the MJOLNIR Mark V are known to take down fully shielded enemies within 3 melee hits. The MJOLNIR Mark VI lessens this to 2. Spartans are also able to flip overturned vehicles that are between 3000-4000 kg in mass. The Nanosuit can probably do all this too, but each melee hit would use up the entire bar of energy while Spartans can keep hammering away, each hit as strong as the last.
Adaptability: Nanosuit
The Nanosuit can be upgraded anytime and modules can be swapped on-the-fly. Though there are only so many useful modules, a well-equipped Nanosuit user can change tactics in the middle of a battle. Spartans have to find special modules to swap, and are not able to switch modues during a battle unless they find a supply crate.
User-friendliness: MJOLNIR
The MJOLNIR armor is strictly for Spartans, and as an armor system it has no negative effects on its intended wearers. The Nanosuit, on the other hand, forms a symbiotic relationship with the user, prevents removal (even if intentional), and alters the body of the user in lots of undesirable ways.
So in conclusion, the Spartans' MJOLNIR armor is better than the Nanosuit. Keep in mind, however, that the MJOLNIR armor was developed in the 2500's and could only be worn by a small group of soldiers. The Nanosuit, on the other hand, was first deployed around 2020 and could be worn by anyone. If the MJOLNIR armor was built on top of Nanosuit technology, it would have been far more powerful. As such, even though the MJOLNIR wins, it's only due to the 500-year gap in technology.
the emp is only if you are in something like a 5 metre radius and again radar armor lock doesn't last too long and makes the person vulnerable cause he has to get back up, the cloak for spartans is only a mod and isn't as good as cloak in the nanosuit because if you move it starts to leave a trail, also if he tags the spartan before cloak it won't matter.
crashes are induced by emps and humans and if you even count the first game there are no crashes!
scar has armor piercing bullets according to the page, yeah you can't compete with shields cause they don't currently exist, also you can't know how many clips it takes to take down the shield so that point is null, btw isn't the pistol in halo 45. caliber? again most of these posts are made on assumptions..
speed mode might help with reflexes as it says it on wikia but probably not on the same extent as in the halo books, in game it does nothing... nanosuit also has ai, nobody knows how advanced it is cause of prophets assimilation, also comes with buie in defibilator for those near death moments lol!
strength, in game spartans are fairly weak so i'm guessing that apart from turning over warthogs that the othe things are from books, i think the vehicles weigh less cause of some futuristic alloy or whatever, a 4x4 doesn't way that much, and each melee hit does not drain it fully, infact it doesn't drain it at all, only the power hit does..
yeah spartans only have special mods where as the nano catalyts upgrade the suit.
thats the big disadvantage with the suit, maybe the shell that prophet wore protected him from the symbiot or the virsus somehow affected it but maybe thats what is meant by prolonged effects of the nanosuit are lethal in the brochure!
plus i'm guessing that the spartan armor is noisier if it makes contact with itself, metal?
the only better things i see is shield which could be adapted to the nanosuit, who knows they might steel big blues shield from the first crysis as a boss fight with an infected nanosuiter... and the 'fast' reflexes which aren't seen in game, oh yeah and the lack of a symbiot, man you'd think spartans would have xray vision but no
also you double posted! also the warthog flipping might be a gameplay thing so you can reuse the vehicle if it flips over?
apparantly the nanosuit can control itself