Nanosuit Soldier vs Spartan Supersoldier from Halo

Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:48 pm

I'd go with the MJOLNIR Mark VI (though even Mark V would do).

Stealth: Nanosuit
The Nanosuit is one of the best cloak and anti-cloak tools available. Nanovision is unbeatable, and its ability to tag cloaked units effectively nullifies any cloak. Some Spartans have night vision, others have flashlights, but in any case very few are equipped with the means to reliably detect a cloaked enemy. However, Spartans do have motion trackers, which will function against Nanosuit users unless they move slowly enough. If a Spartan is able to react before being assassinated, Armor Lock (if equipped) will not only prevent assassination, but disable the Nanosuit with an EMP. Since MJOLNIR Mark V is compatible with active camouflage systems, a cloaked Spartan would only be detectable with Nanovision.

Durability: MJOLNIR
Spartans have energy shields. It's way more resilient than Armor Mode could ever be--and that's just the shields. MJOLNIR armor also doesn't suffer from crashes, unlike the Nanosuit 2.0. Given that large-caliber weapons are the norm in the 2500's, there's no reason to believe that a Nanosuit soldier can outgun a Spartan, even if both are equally accurate. The underlying armor in the MJOLNIR system is also extremely dense--it's virtually impervious to small arms fire. That means nothing short of the SCAR would penetrate the armor, even on successive shots. The SCAR would take at least half a clip to kill an unshielded Spartan, and more than one full clip to down a Spartan's shield. By contrast, assault rifles such as the MA5C are at least Grendel-strength. Battle rifles, DMRs, etc. are even stronger. Nanosuit users are strictly limited to hit-and-run tactics.

Reaction time: MJOLNIR
Spartans with MJOLNIR Mark V or above can be outfitted with an AI, which would lower reaction time to almost 0, with no side effects. Nanosuit users, on the other hand, experience side effects due to prolonged combat.

Strength: MJOLNIR
Although the Nanosuit is capable of incredible feats of strength, such as kicking a car, Spartans wearing the MJOLNIR Mark V are known to take down fully shielded enemies within 3 melee hits. The MJOLNIR Mark VI lessens this to 2. Spartans are also able to flip overturned vehicles that are between 3000-4000 kg in mass. The Nanosuit can probably do all this too, but each melee hit would use up the entire bar of energy while Spartans can keep hammering away, each hit as strong as the last.

Adaptability: Nanosuit
The Nanosuit can be upgraded anytime and modules can be swapped on-the-fly. Though there are only so many useful modules, a well-equipped Nanosuit user can change tactics in the middle of a battle. Spartans have to find special modules to swap, and are not able to switch modues during a battle unless they find a supply crate.

User-friendliness: MJOLNIR
The MJOLNIR armor is strictly for Spartans, and as an armor system it has no negative effects on its intended wearers. The Nanosuit, on the other hand, forms a symbiotic relationship with the user, prevents removal (even if intentional), and alters the body of the user in lots of undesirable ways.

So in conclusion, the Spartans' MJOLNIR armor is better than the Nanosuit. Keep in mind, however, that the MJOLNIR armor was developed in the 2500's and could only be worn by a small group of soldiers. The Nanosuit, on the other hand, was first deployed around 2020 and could be worn by anyone. If the MJOLNIR armor was built on top of Nanosuit technology, it would have been far more powerful. As such, even though the MJOLNIR wins, it's only due to the 500-year gap in technology.

the emp is only if you are in something like a 5 metre radius and again radar armor lock doesn't last too long and makes the person vulnerable cause he has to get back up, the cloak for spartans is only a mod and isn't as good as cloak in the nanosuit because if you move it starts to leave a trail, also if he tags the spartan before cloak it won't matter.
crashes are induced by emps and humans and if you even count the first game there are no crashes!
scar has armor piercing bullets according to the page, yeah you can't compete with shields cause they don't currently exist, also you can't know how many clips it takes to take down the shield so that point is null, btw isn't the pistol in halo 45. caliber? again most of these posts are made on assumptions..
speed mode might help with reflexes as it says it on wikia but probably not on the same extent as in the halo books, in game it does nothing... nanosuit also has ai, nobody knows how advanced it is cause of prophets assimilation, also comes with buie in defibilator for those near death moments lol!

strength, in game spartans are fairly weak so i'm guessing that apart from turning over warthogs that the othe things are from books, i think the vehicles weigh less cause of some futuristic alloy or whatever, a 4x4 doesn't way that much, and each melee hit does not drain it fully, infact it doesn't drain it at all, only the power hit does..

yeah spartans only have special mods where as the nano catalyts upgrade the suit.

thats the big disadvantage with the suit, maybe the shell that prophet wore protected him from the symbiot or the virsus somehow affected it but maybe thats what is meant by prolonged effects of the nanosuit are lethal in the brochure!

plus i'm guessing that the spartan armor is noisier if it makes contact with itself, metal?
the only better things i see is shield which could be adapted to the nanosuit, who knows they might steel big blues shield from the first crysis as a boss fight with an infected nanosuiter... and the 'fast' reflexes which aren't seen in game, oh yeah and the lack of a symbiot, man you'd think spartans would have xray vision but no

also you double posted! also the warthog flipping might be a gameplay thing so you can reuse the vehicle if it flips over?

apparantly the nanosuit can control itself
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:36 pm

i think that the nanosuit will dominate

invisibility is the main advantage.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:41 am

sigh both systems work on same basis - send out waves and receive them...
No. The infared motion sensor doesn't receive any waves; it detects disruption in waves.

try to keep it from the game otherwise you could say that a spartan could survive a nuke...
No, there is no such science that can say a Spartan can survive a nuke, so why would I possibly say that?

i think it will help since he and the nanosuit can plan out tactics or even run away before a spartan knows he is there...
Tactics don't really mean much when you're up against an opponent that is faster, stronger, smarter, and more resilient than you are. And running away won't really count as a victory, now will it?

yes the nanosuit doesn't make him invincible like the books make a spartan warrior...
The books never said Spartans were invincible, or even close to that. Over 10 Spartans were killed in The Fall of Reach, a couple more in First Strike. And almost 500 Spartan III's died in Ghosts of Onyx.

again the sprint thing is a mod and not as fast as the nanosuit, unlike the books where it says he can sprint at 40km/h ir whatever...
No, sprinting is an Armor Ability. It's as legit a tactic as Armor Modules for the Nanosuit.

fuel rod cannon is easily dodge able and nothing really matches a gauss cannon is terms of what it does
The Gauss cannon is essentially just a sniper rifle. Sniper Rifles exist in Halo too, hombre.

scar has armor piercing bullets according to the page, yeah you can't compete with shields cause they don't currently exist, also you can't know how many clips it takes to take down the shield so that point is null
The SCAR doesn't use armor piercing-rounds. It uses fin-stabilized rounds, and they're 4 mm. Basically, the rounds are weaker than pistol rounds. And since the Halo Assault rifle uses huge 7.62 mm rounds, yet it takes almost an entire magazine to drain the shields, you can safely say that the SCAR won't do a damn thing to the shields

strength, in game spartans are fairly weak so i'm guessing that apart from turning over warthogs that the othe things are from books, i think the vehicles weigh less cause of some futuristic alloy or whatever, a 4x4 doesn't way that much, and each melee hit does not drain it fully, infact it doesn't drain it at all, only the power hit does..
Uh, Spartans can flip tanks and elephants with zero problem. The Scorpion tank alone weighs over 66 metric tons, and yet a Spartan can flip it instantly. And the Elephant Transport Vehicle weighs three times that much, and a Spartan can still flip it. Compare that with Alcatraz only being able to kick a regular sedan (which should weigh half a ton at most) a few yards before draining his available energy. Yeah, Spartans make Alcatraz look like a cancer patient.

Video proof (he flips the elephant near the end):

The only thing that Alcatraz has going for him is the cloak, and it isn't even that good considering how normal CELL agents can still track him if he's close. I'm pretty sure a Spartan soldier who had retinal vision enhancements would have even less trouble. And again, I point to my point about how Spartans manhandle cloaked Elites on a daily basis.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:12 pm

The nerd is strong in this one. Good posts again!
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:39 pm

I still disagree that the book should be considered canon when it has little correspondance with the gameplay which, lets face it, is the origin and substance of the character; everything else is supplementary and would not be implemented in game.

As for that video, I have no idea what the hell happened there, seeing as the Spartan apparenlty flipped the vehicle without touching it.

EDIT: also, when people talk about Spartans being able to see the nanosuit cloaked, they're mixing Halo Lore with Crysis gameplay. In the book people don't spot Alcatraz cloaked. At least be consistent ffs.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:07 am

sigh both systems work on same basis - send out waves and receive them...
No. The infared motion sensor doesn't receive any waves; it detects disruption in waves.

try to keep it from the game otherwise you could say that a spartan could survive a nuke...
No, there is no such science that can say a Spartan can survive a nuke, so why would I possibly say that?

i think it will help since he and the nanosuit can plan out tactics or even run away before a spartan knows he is there...
Tactics don't really mean much when you're up against an opponent that is faster, stronger, smarter, and more resilient than you are. And running away won't really count as a victory, now will it?

yes the nanosuit doesn't make him invincible like the books make a spartan warrior...
The books never said Spartans were invincible, or even close to that. Over 10 Spartans were killed in The Fall of Reach, a couple more in First Strike. And almost 500 Spartan III's died in Ghosts of Onyx.

again the sprint thing is a mod and not as fast as the nanosuit, unlike the books where it says he can sprint at 40km/h ir whatever...
No, sprinting is an Armor Ability. It's as legit a tactic as Armor Modules for the Nanosuit.

fuel rod cannon is easily dodge able and nothing really matches a gauss cannon is terms of what it does
The Gauss cannon is essentially just a sniper rifle. Sniper Rifles exist in Halo too, hombre.

scar has armor piercing bullets according to the page, yeah you can't compete with shields cause they don't currently exist, also you can't know how many clips it takes to take down the shield so that point is null
The SCAR doesn't use armor piercing-rounds. It uses fin-stabilized rounds, and they're 4 mm. Basically, the rounds are weaker than pistol rounds. And since the Halo Assault rifle uses huge 7.62 mm rounds, yet it takes almost an entire magazine to drain the shields, you can safely say that the SCAR won't do a damn thing to the shields

strength, in game spartans are fairly weak so i'm guessing that apart from turning over warthogs that the othe things are from books, i think the vehicles weigh less cause of some futuristic alloy or whatever, a 4x4 doesn't way that much, and each melee hit does not drain it fully, infact it doesn't drain it at all, only the power hit does..
Uh, Spartans can flip tanks and elephants with zero problem. The Scorpion tank alone weighs over 66 metric tons, and yet a Spartan can flip it instantly. And the Elephant Transport Vehicle weighs three times that much, and a Spartan can still flip it. Compare that with Alcatraz only being able to kick a regular sedan (which should weigh half a ton at most) a few yards before draining his available energy. Yeah, Spartans make Alcatraz look like a cancer patient.

Video proof (he flips the elephant near the end):

The only thing that Alcatraz has going for him is the cloak, and it isn't even that good considering how normal CELL agents can still track him if he's close. I'm pretty sure a Spartan soldier who had retinal vision enhancements would have even less trouble. And again, I point to my point about how Spartans manhandle cloaked Elites on a daily basis.

sigh again give me proof that it uses infrared...i'm getting tired of this...
fact that ur using a lot of book references which make him look invincible
don't get ur statement about sprint, ingame u can only sprint with the mod in reach...
according to the scar thing the size doesn't affect performance
yet pistols do?
where the hell ingame do you flip a tank!
also what cars weigh half a ton?
i'm really starting to doubt that thats not strenght and is a gameplay mechanic since a grenade can flip the vehicle too... you can flip vehicles that weigh tonnes yet you can't take down an unshielded brute?
thing is when you read the book you can see how weak prophet is because of the suit and the virus...
faster,stronger smarter? nanosuit can control itself,speed mode and the many drugs its got you on increase reflexes etc, don't see how you can compare, smarter? how, ai? the suit is essentially a second, faster and sometimes smarter thing thanks to prophets assimilation, plus the suits ai also adapts, in the novel it says it developed counter measures to counter its self destruct thing by crytek...
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:26 pm

The whole vs argument is about game mechanics lol

Even if you ignore the vehicle flip game mechanic, I think everyone will agree strength wise the Spartan beats the nano suit hands down.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:28 pm

Spartans can't flip Scorpions and Elephants--they can in the games, but only due to easter eggs and developer oversights. The player isn't supposed to encounter any situations where the tank flips over. However, it's been established that Spartans can flip Warthogs, which are about 3000 kg in mass.

But yeah, like I said before, the Nanosuit soldier needs to tag his opponent or see him with nanovision first. Cloak and anti-cloak capabilities are better with the Nanosuit, but that's about it.

By the way, pistol rounds in Halo are usually .50 high-explosive, so they do a lot more damage than their caliber would suggest (which is already a massive amount of damage). Basically the Hammer and Majestic pistols would be equivalent to a M6C pistol in Halo, which is only good for headshots. I'm not sure if the Crysis 2 pistols are armor-piercing, but the M6C in Halo is one of the pistol variants that use AP instead of HE ammo.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:57 pm

Spartans can't flip Scorpions and Elephants--they can in the games, but only due to easter eggs and developer oversights. The player isn't supposed to encounter any situations where the tank flips over. However, it's been established that Spartans can flip Warthogs, which are about 3000 kg in mass.

But yeah, like I said before, the Nanosuit soldier needs to tag his opponent or see him with nanovision first. Cloak and anti-cloak capabilities are better with the Nanosuit, but that's about it.

By the way, pistol rounds in Halo are usually .50 high-explosive, so they do a lot more damage than their caliber would suggest (which is already a massive amount of damage). Basically the Hammer and Majestic pistols would be equivalent to a M6C pistol in Halo, which is only good for headshots. I'm not sure if the Crysis 2 pistols are armor-piercing, but the M6C in Halo is one of the pistol variants that use AP instead of HE ammo.

so thats why they don't explode if they were exploding then they would explode... i'm guessing that a nanosuit soldier can flip a car too since he can kick it in a very short time?, remember what some dude posted that his kick would be like getting hit y a cannon ball? at mach one also i really am thinking that flipping is a game play mechanic since you just push a button and it flips by iteself... all a nanosuit soldier needs is a moar and the fight is won...
so why does it take many hits to kill an unshielded brute while he kills you in 3 or something punches?
aparantly the nanosuit visor improves eye sight as well! i just can't see a spartan as strong as every body says in game (tank flipping gameplay mechanic ffs or easter egg as somebody said), i mean a brute takes u down easily? i wonder if a nanosuit is laser proof since it over loaded everythng when they tried 'ripping' it from alcatraz?
why does he need to tag him first?
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:25 pm

Flipping vehicles is more than a game mechanic--Spartans are seen flipping Warthogs in books as well. Like I said before, on Normal difficulty (which is canon for strength and damage) Brutes can be taken down pretty quickly with melee attacks. There is also no need for Spartans to recharge, while if Alcatraz tried to flip a Warthog he'd use up all his energy. Like I said before, Alcatraz can punch as hard as the Master Chief, but while the Master Chief is throwing his second and third punches Alcatraz would be waiting to recharge.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:41 pm

Flipping vehicles is more than a game mechanic--Spartans are seen flipping Warthogs in books as well.
Don't forget smashing through concrete blocks. And tearing apart powered exo-suits with their bare hands, even without the armor.

Like I said before, on Normal difficulty (which is canon for strength and damage) Brutes can be taken down pretty quickly with melee attacks.
Pretty much this. I don't know how the hell Brutes can easily take you down. The clostst that a Brute got to beating the Chief was in First Strike, and even then Chief managed to knock him senseless.

There is also no need for Spartans to recharge, while if Alcatraz tried to flip a Warthog he'd use up all his energy.
Correction: it takes up all his energy to kick it a few feet. I doubt Alcatraz can even flip it.

Anyone else notice that kicking a desk also seems to drain your energy?

Like I said before, Alcatraz can punch as hard as the Master Chief, but while the Master Chief is throwing his second and third punches Alcatraz would be waiting to recharge.
Pretty much. Even if Chief is as strong as Alcatraz, he doesn't need to recharge.

And also, how the hell is flipping a tank a moot point, just because it's a "game mechanic"? Every thing that every video game character can do is a "game mechanic". If chief can't flip a tank because it's a game mechanic, then it means Alcatrac can't even kick a car because it's also a "game mechanic". If it can happen in game, then the character can do it himself. So yeah, I'm still sticking with the fact that Chief can flip a tank if it turns upside down.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:31 pm

Flipping vehicles is more than a game mechanic--Spartans are seen flipping Warthogs in books as well. Like I said before, on Normal difficulty (which is canon for strength and damage) Brutes can be taken down pretty quickly with melee attacks. There is also no need for Spartans to recharge, while if Alcatraz tried to flip a Warthog he'd use up all his energy. Like I said before, Alcatraz can punch as hard as the Master Chief, but while the Master Chief is throwing his second and third punches Alcatraz would be waiting to recharge.

i don't read books on games? thats where they are made inviincible and warthogs shouldn't weigh 5 tonnes
normal difficulty isn't anywhere near realistic, on normal you can take down an alien with a few punches aswell which are covered in a metal exoskeleton, consodering that we haven't seen a nanosuit person fip a car, although in crysis 1 you can punch a car to turn it over, the nergy drain you see is for fast spontanious things that need a lot of energy at once, alcatraz can still punch just not with that one hit kill, and if it was the first nanosuit you could thro around 7 punches before you run out of energy, again why get close to the enemy when you can shoot?
and if a spartan is near water lol the nanosuit soldier can push him in and thats it the spartan dies, btw how many hundreds of kg would a spartan weigh? tank armor?
spartans can't swim! LOL
btw a nanosuit can kick a car more than a few yards

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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:45 pm

double post
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:53 am

i don't read books on games? thats where they are made inviincible
I might have said this before already, but the books never made Spartans anywhere close to invincible. In The Fall of Reach, 100 Spartans died alone because their bodies could not support the genetic enhancements that they were given, over 10 Spartans died in battle and one was wounded to the point that she had to be cryogenically frozen to be kept alive. In First Strike, 5 more died. In Ghosts of Onyx, almost 500 Spartan III's died, and 4 more Spartan II's died. Out of the 500 Spartan III's and 200 Spartan II's that were originally created, only about 3 Spartan II's and 2 Spartan II's are left alive, and 2 of the Spartan II's are basically trapped in a Mike Dyson Sphere for all eternity. So, technically, less than 2% of all Spartans are still alive and in action. Hardly invincible.

and warthogs shouldn't weigh 5 tonnes
Uh, they don't. Where did you get that idea?

the nergy drain you see is for fast spontanious things that need a lot of energy at once
And that involves kicking a car. See, Alcatraz can only do that once every few seconds. Master Chief can to that anytime he wants and doesn't need to recharge to do it again.

again why get close to the enemy when you can shoot?
Because there's hardly any weapons that Alcatraz has that can hurt Chief, aside from the L-TAG and the JAW. The X-43 Mike can potentially hurt Chief, but he'd have to have a long constant stream, and since Chief moves so damn fast it'd be a pretty tough endeavor.

and if a spartan is near water lol the nanosuit soldier can push him in and thats it the spartan dies, btw how many hundreds of kg would a spartan weigh? tank armor?
spartans can't swim! LOL
Spartans can swim and survive just fine underwater, since their helmets come with air-scrubbers than can recycle air for about 90 minutes. Hell, in Ghosts of Onyx, Blue Team went deep-sea diving in order to destroy an underwater Covenant base.

btw a nanosuit can kick a car more than a few yards
Fine, it can kick several yards. Still isn't as impressive as flipping a Warthog upright, or even a tank. And no, don't give me that "gameplay mechanic" BS, the fact that you can do in in game means it's legit. Otherwise I can use your own argument can say that Alcatraz can't kick a car, since it's just a "gameplay mechanic".
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:42 am

The Marshall and Grendel can pose a threat to a Spartan upon multiple hits, but Spartans have better weapons of their own. Grendel's about as powerful as an MA37 and Marshall's like a Brute Mauler, but neither of these would beat a BR55 or an M90. Warthogs are about 3 tons, which is fair game for Chief to flip. Tanks were never meant to be flipped over since they're about 66 tons. Alcatraz could potentially beat the Master Chief, but only when certain conditions are met (e.g. getting the drop on Chief, depleting his shields with a punch, and shooting him with the Marshall). Chief would beat Alcatraz in most other scenarios. Basically a fight against the Chief would be like an extremely difficult boss fight for Alcatraz, while a fight against Alcatraz would be like a fight against a Stealth Elite for the Master Chief.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:42 pm

The Grendel isn't exactly a good weapon to use against the Chief either, since it fires 6.8 mm rounds, while the standard MA5B Assault Rifle takes about half a clip to drain the shields, yet it fires heavier 7.62 mm armor-piercing rounds. Couple that with the fact that the Grendel has a smaller mag size and torturously slower rate of fire, and yeah, the Grendel is definately not that effective.

I guess maybe the K-VOLT could be handy, since its EMP can at least drain the shields. But the projectiles move so damn slow that I don't see it doing anything significant, especially if Alcatraz decides to use it at a distance.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:01 pm

You really shouldn't be considering 21st century and 24th (or something) tech. That's just stupid :P
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:09 pm

i don't read books on games? thats where they are made inviincible
I might have said this before already, but the books never made Spartans anywhere close to invincible. In The Fall of Reach, 100 Spartans died alone because their bodies could not support the genetic enhancements that they were given, over 10 Spartans died in battle and one was wounded to the point that she had to be cryogenically frozen to be kept alive. In First Strike, 5 more died. In Ghosts of Onyx, almost 500 Spartan III's died, and 4 more Spartan II's died. Out of the 500 Spartan III's and 200 Spartan II's that were originally created, only about 3 Spartan II's and 2 Spartan II's are left alive, and 2 of the Spartan II's are basically trapped in a Mike Dyson Sphere for all eternity. So, technically, less than 2% of all Spartans are still alive and in action. Hardly invincible.

and warthogs shouldn't weigh 5 tonnes
Uh, they don't. Where did you get that idea?

the nergy drain you see is for fast spontanious things that need a lot of energy at once
And that involves kicking a car. See, Alcatraz can only do that once every few seconds. Master Chief can to that anytime he wants and doesn't need to recharge to do it again.

again why get close to the enemy when you can shoot?
Because there's hardly any weapons that Alcatraz has that can hurt Chief, aside from the L-TAG and the JAW. The X-43 Mike can potentially hurt Chief, but he'd have to have a long constant stream, and since Chief moves so damn fast it'd be a pretty tough endeavor.

and if a spartan is near water lol the nanosuit soldier can push him in and thats it the spartan dies, btw how many hundreds of kg would a spartan weigh? tank armor?
spartans can't swim! LOL
Spartans can swim and survive just fine underwater, since their helmets come with air-scrubbers than can recycle air for about 90 minutes. Hell, in Ghosts of Onyx, Blue Team went deep-sea diving in order to destroy an underwater Covenant base.

btw a nanosuit can kick a car more than a few yards
Fine, it can kick several yards. Still isn't as impressive as flipping a Warthog upright, or even a tank. And no, don't give me that "gameplay mechanic" BS, the fact that you can do in in game means it's legit. Otherwise I can use your own argument can say that Alcatraz can't kick a car, since it's just a "gameplay mechanic".

sigh how am i meant to know if i don't read any halo books, i judge it all in game on what a spartan can actually do
some guy posted i earlier
in game when you punch a warthog it moves a bit and in odst it doesn't do anything lol
gauss rifle/attachment, sniper rifle hmg, k volt among other weapons, mike wouldn't take any longer than any normal human being so a few seconds, nanosuiters have improved awerness and reflexes and from what i've seen in game a spartan is an easy target..
is that why you die the second you touch water? i think not...
several yards? 10 metres plus enough energy to bounce back 5? you don't actually see a warthog flipping by hand so its more a game mechanic again... never saw a tank being flipped though
so a spartan can flip a vehicle without touching it? amazing... by the way you actually see alcatraz kick the car...
thing i don't understand is why theres energy drain when power mode just makes the person stronger... sur eit could use less energy but...
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:53 pm

Love both. They are both awesome. The Nano shell is ... an ancestor of the Mkolnir. Although no stealth... no nano tech.

But to be honest. Have both orbital drop. Who you think is going to survive?
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:42 pm

sigh how am i meant to know if i don't read any halo books, i judge it all in game on what a spartan can actually do
Then don't spout hyperbole comments talking about how the books make Spartans invincible or whatever, cuz they don't.

some guy posted i earlier
He said it weighed 3000 lbs, not 5 tons. But I'm not sure if it's right...

in game when you punch a warthog it moves a bit and in odst it doesn't do anything lol
Because in ODST, you don't play as a Spartan. You play as an Orbital Drop Shock-Trooper (ODST for short). They're like the Special Forces division of the Marines.

gauss rifle/attachment, sniper rifle hmg, k volt among other weapons, mike wouldn't take any longer than any normal human being so a few seconds
Spartans have an equal, if not more, arsenal that can fry Alcatraz to a crisp. Spartan Laser, Focus Rifle, Beam Rifle, Sniper Rifle, DMR, Plasma Pistol, Brute Shot, Rocket Launcher, Fuel Rod, etc. And I don't know if it's just me, but the MIKE is freaking slow to kill, even killing Ceph grunts.

nanosuiters have improved awerness and reflexes
Uh, so do Spartans.

and from what i've seen in game a spartan is an easy target..
So is Alcatraz when he isn't cloaked. And he's not that hard to find when he does cloak; he's just about as visible as any other cloaked Elite, and Chief mows them down easily.

is that why you die the second you touch water? i think not...
I'm really curious as to what Halo game there is where you die as soon as your feet touch water. Or are you talking about falling from an incredible height and then hitting the water? Because in the multiplayer map Zanzibar, you can go underwater and it doesn't do a damn thing.

so a spartan can flip a vehicle without touching it? amazing...
You don't need to see a damn animation to know the Spartan is doing the flipping. If it's not the Spartan who is flipping the warthog/tank, than who is? God?

Oh, and I can say the same thing about Alcatraz. I can say that Alcatraz can't mount the Gauss attachment on his rifle, since you never actually see him mount attachments in the game; they just appears out of thin air. So attachments are just a game mechanic, and therefor Alcatraz can't use attachments! See, I can use that "gameplay mechanic" BS as well!
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:46 pm

sigh how am i meant to know if i don't read any halo books, i judge it all in game on what a spartan can actually do
Then don't spout hyperbole comments talking about how the books make Spartans invincible or whatever, cuz they don't.

some guy posted i earlier
He said it weighed 3000 lbs, not 5 tons. But I'm not sure if it's right...

in game when you punch a warthog it moves a bit and in odst it doesn't do anything lol
Because in ODST, you don't play as a Spartan. You play as an Orbital Drop Shock-Trooper (ODST for short). They're like the Special Forces division of the Marines.

gauss rifle/attachment, sniper rifle hmg, k volt among other weapons, mike wouldn't take any longer than any normal human being so a few seconds
Spartans have an equal, if not more, arsenal that can fry Alcatraz to a crisp. Spartan Laser, Focus Rifle, Beam Rifle, Sniper Rifle, DMR, Plasma Pistol, Brute Shot, Rocket Launcher, Fuel Rod, etc. And I don't know if it's just me, but the MIKE is freaking slow to kill, even killing Ceph grunts.

nanosuiters have improved awerness and reflexes
Uh, so do Spartans.

and from what i've seen in game a spartan is an easy target..
So is Alcatraz when he isn't cloaked. And he's not that hard to find when he does cloak; he's just about as visible as any other cloaked Elite, and Chief mows them down easily.

is that why you die the second you touch water? i think not...
I'm really curious as to what Halo game there is where you die as soon as your feet touch water. Or are you talking about falling from an incredible height and then hitting the water? Because in the multiplayer map Zanzibar, you can go underwater and it doesn't do a damn thing.

so a spartan can flip a vehicle without touching it? amazing...
You don't need to see a damn animation to know the Spartan is doing the flipping. If it's not the Spartan who is flipping the warthog/tank, than who is? God?

Oh, and I can say the same thing about Alcatraz. I can say that Alcatraz can't mount the Gauss attachment on his rifle, since you never actually see him mount attachments in the game; they just appears out of thin air. So attachments are just a game mechanic, and therefor Alcatraz can't use attachments! See, I can use that "gameplay mechanic" BS as well!

fine i won't even though i am not just to keep ya quiet
yes i know yet you haven't replied bout the spartan punching a warthog
the nanosuit might be resistant to the laser cause when they try to rip the suit it over loads it and the suit is mad from nano carbon tubes, as people know carbon can withstand a lot of heat for a long time
if the focus rifle is the same as the one from crysis then armor mode will protect,
depends what difficulty you play on, humans are 70% water so it shouldn't take long
brute shot - shotgun? and again there is weapons to counter a spartan, plus proximity alarm helps keep distance from anything
yes i know spartans do have it but i was commenting on how spartans are fast and a nanosuiter can't keep up with him, he should since he is drugged up and the nanosuit an apparantly ontrol you for a bit
thats why i dont count the flipping as proof cause nobody does it just like in borderlands, i doubt that skinny morcedia could flip such a vehicle...
you actually need to find the attachments in game to use them and making 40 different kinds of animations and them being disrupted would take some time and would be a waste of time that could of been used in say making mp better also i think you mean all atachments not just the gauss one ...
the one where you drive around in a warthog so if you walk into the water you die ( in case you start calling it bs or something its up to neck water...) so armor mode is useful(towards end)? - around a second isn't a long time...
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:34 am

Drop em both from upper atmosphere. Whoever survives is the winner. Endurance, resilience, healing capabilities etc.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:32 pm

yes i know yet you haven't replied bout the spartan punching a warthog
I never punched a Warthog while playing, so I'll concede this for lack of evidence.

the nanosuit might be resistant to the laser cause when they try to rip the suit it over loads it
The laser used to hack Alcatraz's suit was used for medical uses. The Spartan LAser was used to take out tanks. I wonder which one is more powerful. Hrm, I'm gonna bet on the laser, since it can blaster through 10 vehicles simultaneously:

and the suit is mad from nano carbon tubes, as people know carbon can withstand a lot of heat for a long time
A) Carbon isn't even that heat-resistant. Other elements like Silicon are much more heat-resistant.

B) If the nanosuit is good at blocking an anti-vehicle Spartan Laser, why can you die when exposed in fire?

C) The Spartan Laser doesn't utilize thermal energy. It's beam is a free-electron laser. It doesn't kill by heating,; it kills by literally ripping your molecules apart due to high-energy intermolecular forces. All the heat-resistant padding the the world won't protect from that.

if the focus rifle is the same as the one from crysis then armor mode will protect,
I'm talking about the Focus Rifle from Halo Reach

brute shot - shotgun? and again there is weapons to counter a spartan, plus proximity alarm helps keep distance from anything
Don't quite know how Proximity alarm protects you from bullets or high-velocity grenades, since the only practical application it would have would be if Chief had the cloaking Armor Ability...

thats why i dont count the flipping as proof cause nobody does it just like in borderlands, i doubt that skinny morcedia could flip such a vehicle...
You can flip a Warthog in game, you can also do it in the book. Pretty sure you can do it.

you actually need to find the attachments in game to use them and making 40 different kinds of animations and them being disrupted would take some time and would be a waste of time that could of been used in say making mp better also i think you mean all atachments not just the gauss one ...
Yeah, basing from your logic, Alcatraz can't use any attachments since you never see an animation of him put them on his gun. See how ridiculous that argument sounds? Spartans can flip vehicles, regardless of animation, so deal with it.

the one where you drive around in a warthog so if you walk into the water you die ( in case you start calling it bs or something its up to neck water...)
There are over a dozen sequences where you drive a Warthog, pleace show me a video of you actually wlking into water and then dying. so armor mode is useful(towards end)?
And this video proves...?
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:51 pm

Drop em both from upper atmosphere. Whoever survives is the winner. Endurance, resilience, healing capabilities etc.

Well, that was easy.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:00 pm

Drop em both from upper atmosphere. Whoever survives is the winner. Endurance, resilience, healing capabilities etc.

MC surving that was cutscene power to the max. You can be killed by significantly inferior damage in actual play.
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Czar Kahchi
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