-no i was talking about raptor teams non existant advanced weaponry

plus a spartan has shield, and yet the one spartan killed 2?
One spartan killed 2? What are you talking about?
-so they have normal human bones? carbon fibre isn't really that flexible and the ceramic pl8ts would shatter if they got hit which would do damage
Yeah, they have normal human bones, infused with a ceramic carbide alloy. And Carbon fiber actually has a very high strength to weight ratio, which is why it's used as a component in bulletproof vests, racing bicycles, racing boats, aircraft hulls, and even guns. And while ceramic itself is brittle, alloys of it (such as ceramic combined with carbon fiber or plastics) can create extremely strong substances, such as armor plating for tanks. So combined, carbon fiber and ceramic makes bones virtually unbreakable.
However, some Spartans did suffer broken bones when they crashlanded from a high orbit jump.
- the story with the exoskeletons seems unlikely, you can't dodge a bullet travelling at what 800m/s in a small distance
Remember, this was when they had their physical augmentations, along with reflex enhancements. And they didn'tdodge bullets; they dodged stun rounds, which were relatively slower.
-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium read the properties

Yeah, but I learned something different in chem class, so I'm iffy on this one. Besides, even if titanium is soluble, you'd need to submerge Chief in a bath of concentrated sulfuric acid for quite a while before it really hurts him. Contrary to popular belief, acid doesn't instantly melt anything it touches. The process takes a while, which is why if you work at a lab and you spill acid on yourselfm you don't feel the burn until maybe half an hour later. Trust me, it happened to me. And trust me, it svcks.
-but bones don't break like that, what happened to the layer that has padding and absorbs physical damage? a power suit only does what the operator does for precision
It's not external force that breaks the bone; it's the internal forces of the bones moving at such high velocities that causes them to literally break themselves. All the padding in the world won't protect against that.
It's the same reason why a Spartan can still hurt himself if he falls from great heights without the armor. Even though his bones are unbreakable and can take the impact, the organs would still be bruised from moving at such high velocities during the fall.
-yeah i know but metal boots don't sound that quite and considering that it ways over half a ton the effect would be bigger, yeah i remember, maybe elites can't hear as well i dunno or maybe it was cause of mud/grass, why would a nanosuit make step noises if it has rubber soles and was most likly designed to be quite aswell, i doubt that the spartan armor was designed for stealth since the cloak is only a mod
I never said the nanosuit made noise, I just said the Spartan suit doesn't make relatively loud noises either. And just because it doesn't have cloaking doesn't mean it wasn;t deigned for stealth. As I said before, several missions in previous Halo games have you undergoing stealth, even without the Cloaking Armor Power.
-considering that a nanosuit punches that hard i don't thing it would need a second one
That power punch didn't really impress me at all, it hardly send a human flying more than 5 feet. Much less an augmented human being encased in Titanium armor with energy shields.
also why would a soldier want to get close to the other?
Well, I don't know the battle parameters. What if they don't have weapons?
if a nanosuit operator gets behind a spartan he is essentially dead since shields only seem to protect against high velocity things and explosions
Actually, the shield are always up. Only Sentinel shields are motion-sensing.
and there is no armor around the neck
The neck verterbae are reinforced, remember?
also having a small battery thing the nanosuit isn't bulky
The fusion pack on Spartan armor isn't bulky either. Last time I checked, i