Nanosuit Technology Koreans In C1?

Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:08 am

I just had a random thought in class.
If the Nanosuits are alien technology that Hargreave Rasch reverse engineered, how in god's name did the Koreans figure out how to make it? I'm kind of lost how it's possible unless they had found a site of their own...

ok ok ill tell u the truth

taken from crysis wiki here you go for all you questions and all of you
Korean Nanosuit Edit Korean Nanosuit

Found on the Lingshan Islands, the Korean Nanosuits were created by North Korean scientists under the command of NK's top military advisors. By using the technology most likely captured or stolen from the US or CryNet, they were eventually able to reverse engineer the technology and create their own Nanosuits. The suit, on a visual scale, is quite different from its US cousin. It appears to use armored plates attached over the suit's CryFibril nanofibers, indicating that a more primitive alterative was implemented to provide protection. It sports a Japanese woodland camo pattern (rather than Crynet's black "muscular system" appearance) and possesses a yellow-orange visor (rather than the American red). It's cloak mode is effectively rendered useless in combat situations due to the fact that the suit makes an electronic humming noise (while appearing in the campaign this was removed in Multiplayer for balancing purposes). Although the suit is inferior to CryNet's model, it is still deadly, especially since the KPA seem to be using them to serve a "shock troop" role. As such, KPA Nanosuit operators are usually armed with heavy weapons and deployed in areas of high strategic importance.

Despite being called "cheap knock-offs" by Nomad and being less technologically advanced, Korean Nanosuits are (to our knowledge) almost identical to American ones in terms of function, possessing all four modes (Armor, Strength, Speed, and Cloak). The difference between the two versions are their appearance, noises, and the protection they offer. The American Nanosuit is black and resembles the human muscular system, while the Korean version looks more like a camouflage battle suit with ceramic plating over certain parts of the body (i.e. chest and back). Also, American nanosuits offer twice the amount of armour protection through the suit's armor mode.

Officers such as Kyong and Lee wear no helmets, and Lee's suit also has officer decorations on it.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:13 pm

^Seriously? Did you play the first one?
Okay, let's start with the basics. Flying, ice aliens in Crysis vs. Fleshy, pink humanoid aliens in C2.
Nanosuits react with the aliens due to their wireless signals (which is why the suit goes weird when aliens are about to attack). In C2 you're looking for a way to defeat the aliens.... even though the preceding suit weakens them.
A signal is sent out by the aliens to galaxy M33 in Crysis. In C2 they're underground which is plausible, as the aliens in Crysis were first found as artefacts, but then they're completely different and what happened with the signal?
Nanosuit technologies are shared/two parties have them (US + Korea), but in C2 there is no evidence of other parties having suit tech.
Nomad, Psycho and Helena no longer exist in C2, although there is slight referencing to their deaths but no solid proof.
Need I say more? I'm getting bored here...
Yes I did.
Same species, different races+they adapted.
The only reason you could weaken them on Cry1 was because of the Cephs old suit's and weapons fed off energy, as I said the aliens have adapted so they use biological warfare instead now, hence the suit can't defeat them by overpowering them with energy.
Adapted+It still hasn't been explained about the signal but it's hinted in the book that the Aliens that are here are basically the gardeners of our planet and that the True soldiers are still to come.
The most likely answer to that is that Hargreave gave the suits to North Korea as further test subjects so he could see how their suits would react to the ceph at Lingshan.
There is a comic coming out bridging the gap and explaining what happened, but if you open visor in Hargreaves room you will find there is an alien artifact recovered by Helena Rosenthal.
Yes do say more, I'm getting bored of people thinking they know everything about the games plot then insulting it because they don't understand it.

Sorry but fanwanking, yea thats a word, doesnt debunk the fact that there are many plot holes.
Fanwanking.........I see no fan mastvrbation here.

Your inability to either a) use your imagination and b) consider a 3rd game will fill in the plot doesn't mean there are plot holes aplenty.

What you want the story served on a marble plate and served to you by the Queen herself?
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:57 pm

The story did not mention anything about what happened after Nomad, Psycho, and Helena went back to the island after Prophet. The first story, which was actually unfinished, left off at that point, with all the fans hungry for the whole story.

Crysis 2 takes place, was it 3 years? after Crysis 1 setting. Not only is there a huge time gap in the story, Prophet is the only character that was even just a shadow in Crysis 2.

At the end of Crysis 1, the nuke causes a mass expansion of the island aliens, and they swarm out from the sphere, as you can see in the skies when you get out on the carrier deck. There seemed to be thousands and thousands of them, and where did they all go? And what became of that naval fleet from Japan?

The fact that the aliens are red in Crysis 2 really ruins it, if they were blue trust me it would connect quite a bit better with the first story.

And what the hell happened to Sean O'Neill? I don't remember seeing him wearing a nanosuit, so even if the nanosuit 1 turned out to be fatal, what would he have to do with it? Also what about Emerson? Psycho's "commander" in Warhead?

There is simply too much missing in Crysis 2 for the story to be anywhere as interesting.
It kinda svcks the way they skipped that part but Crysis 2 does imply that Helena survived, and Nomad and Psycho are just too badass to die easy. Also the comic (I know I know, they should of just done it in game) will explain what happened.
It does state that Lockharts nephew was one of the nanosuiters that died in Crysis 1 in both the book and the game as well, I can't really see who though, Aztec is unlikely, Jester very unlikely and that makes me freaked out for Nomad D:.
Well the ceph were obviously defeated in lingshan since there are things in Crysis 2 that state that the whole incident was covered up.(Plus in the book it says that Nathan Gould was one of the scientists to go and check what happened there and there was no evidence of any bodies/ceph/structures, it was just an ice covered island)
It's suggested that it is a different race + they adapted to Humans way of fighting and to Earths Terrain. (Which is also a cheap way to go, but at least you can still tell they are related in the tentacle way :P)
I'm sick of people worrying about Sean O'neill, uninteresting character in an expansion that most likely left after dropping Psycho at the carrier. Did anyone even notice that his face and model is just one of the ordinary marine skins off crysis 1? What about her? Why would Alcatraz be communicating directly with JSOC in New York when he's already helping Colonel Barclay? What's to say she still even works there?
I think people just have trouble with the plot in crysis 2 is because the plot isn't spoon fed to you like the first.
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:49 pm

My guess is Hargreave mass produced "cheapo" models and sold them to Korea as part of his experiment.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:59 am

I just had a random thought in class.
If the Nanosuits are alien technology that Hargreave Rasch reverse engineered, how in god's name did the Koreans figure out how to make it? I'm kind of lost how it's possible unless they had found a site of their own...

ok ok ill tell u the truth

taken from crysis wiki here you go for all you questions and all of you
Korean Nanosuit Edit Korean Nanosuit

Found on the Lingshan Islands, the Korean Nanosuits were created by North Korean scientists under the command of NK's top military advisors. By using the technology most likely captured or stolen from the US or CryNet, they were eventually able to reverse engineer the technology and create their own Nanosuits. The suit, on a visual scale, is quite different from its US cousin. It appears to use armored plates attached over the suit's CryFibril nanofibers, indicating that a more primitive alterative was implemented to provide protection. It sports a Japanese woodland camo pattern (rather than Crynet's black "muscular system" appearance) and possesses a yellow-orange visor (rather than the American red). It's cloak mode is effectively rendered useless in combat situations due to the fact that the suit makes an electronic humming noise (while appearing in the campaign this was removed in Multiplayer for balancing purposes). Although the suit is inferior to CryNet's model, it is still deadly, especially since the KPA seem to be using them to serve a "shock troop" role. As such, KPA Nanosuit operators are usually armed with heavy weapons and deployed in areas of high strategic importance.

Despite being called "cheap knock-offs" by Nomad and being less technologically advanced, Korean Nanosuits are (to our knowledge) almost identical to American ones in terms of function, possessing all four modes (Armor, Strength, Speed, and Cloak). The difference between the two versions are their appearance, noises, and the protection they offer. The American Nanosuit is black and resembles the human muscular system, while the Korean version looks more like a camouflage battle suit with ceramic plating over certain parts of the body (i.e. chest and back). Also, American nanosuits offer twice the amount of armour protection through the suit's armor mode.

Officers such as Kyong and Lee wear no helmets, and Lee's suit also has officer decorations on it.

Its nice that you sited a source and that but...

Crysis wiki (like all wikis) has its information provided by any person who decides to post on it.

Nothing on crysis wiki can be sited as fact, its just a gibberish theory posted by some fan of the game.

So unless it came from someone from crytek or in game hard facts then it dont mean jack
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:53 am

That info is also probably based on C1 assumed knowledge without the information C2 provides. It is more likely that Rasch gave the Nanotech since Hargreave mentions nothing of it in C2.

As i have mentioned before, most likely going to be explained either in the third game or an expansion. If it isn't, THEN its a plot hole. Remember guys they got the plot set out for a third game.
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Post » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:02 am

I think its only logical that the koreans stole nanosuit tech from the US in Crysis 1.

haha C1 koreans are so stupid. they could have went to Crysis 2 and stole the INDESTRUCTIBLE TREE BARK
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