» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:47 am
Mid January.. hm, I wonder how much they've accomplished in fixing the bugs within 2 months time.. hopefully there are no bugs to ruin my awesome-sauce experience in playing it.
I think Camarillo is overreacting IMO. Yeah, we know about the "first hand experience" and such, but without those videos and people downloading it, they won't have as much pre-order sales as they originally would of got in the beginning. Why? Because the players weren't too sure if they would like it or not because they basically know nothing about the game.
This.. should not be bad for them, they should consider this as good news in sales wise, but not player's experience wise.
Meh, I still don't even know a damn thing about the campaign.. everyone just watched people play the campaign, not watch to the cinematic story
I've come to realize the reason they released statements about bugs in the leaked game is because Crytek thinks that if they don't people will think that there are bugs that won't be fixed. It's not so much that they're worried about what people will think about the bugs, but they want the word to get out that the bugs will be fixed in the final product. Sometimes that's not obvious especially this close to release when the game looks complete. This is the time when they smooth and iron out all bugs so expect a clean game by release.
I expected that build from last year, not this year. I'm now pondering in my head if what they are saying is true that they've fixed thousands of bugs. 1k of bugs in a month time would be crazy!
I doubt the "bugs" will bother me in campaign. If it still has some bugs here and there, I'll stop playing and just head to multiplayer until it's good to play.. BUT the Crysis 2 PC demo is the only thing in my way from actually buying the game @ launch or not.
If the campaign is buggy here and there, I'll go straight to multiplayer until the patches come, but if the PC MP is buggy, than oh gosh.. the anticipation will be a killer in waiting both SP & MP to be bug free.
PS: Yes I am picky, I do have high standards in games. I have high hopes for Crysis 2, so I hope I don't get let down