I recently returned to Skyrim after a six month hiatus. I dug around for some new mods, and was thrilled to add hunterborn to frostfall and RND. I love playing without going to town and using more native feeling weapons and equipment. With that in mind i have been scouring different mods to add in those that fit well and making my own additions to skrimshaw and survival skills.
The lack of items has led me to try my hand at some retexturing, the Blade of Hircine, http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k65/bluntfang/TESV2013-10-1421-46-22-32_zps5d9d817b.png , http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k65/bluntfang/TESVBladeofHircine_zps8db0424e.png
The blade is intended to be made from mammoth tusk (with a wolf fur scabbard).
When I tried to make my own custom weapons I came up short. Despite plenty of free time from being sick the last few days I still cant get the nif scripts to run in blender, (yes, I have fought with different versions of python and PFF and blender is the 32 bit etc etc). Having wasted the better part of today trying to get them to work I have quit for now. This is what I was trying to do:http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k65/bluntfang/Horkerclub_zpse88a4a1e.png
What you see is done in nifskope,and works fine as a static mesh, but does not of course show up in game. It is a horker tusk and a human legbone, resized and stretched to fit. I was hoping to add some wrappings of some sort to secure the two. But, without decifering blender I cannot get them to work with just nifskope (since i need to make a 1st person nif with all the goodies apparently).
So, I am posting here hoping that someone who as access to working blender/max might be willing to throw these pieces together to create a workable nif mesh that I can retexture.
I hope to release a small weapon pack fo these more "organic" weapons, I would love to have the horker club in there as well. Let me know if you can help or if the idea is of interest.