That armor looks really nice, so don't give up on it. If necessary, send me a PM and I'll hunt down a NifSkope guru to look at it for you!
Thank you very much for the offer

I had for now decided to just drop that one because of the time it was taking me, but if there is anyone who can fix the mesh for me I'd probably be happy to send them the files. I still have to do the male version which will likely have the same error. Meantime though I have just moved on to tinkering around with other stuff.
I am very sorry for the delays -- I've actually been having a lot of fun with this project and completely lost track of how much time has passed. It's just that not yet really knowing how some things work, it can sometimes take me four to eight hours to do something that should only take 10 minutes, and at the end I sometimes end up chucking it all and starting over with something else. Plus I have fun poking around with retexturing and PaintShop, even though in the end most get abandoned after spending a few hours on them.
I think I am done now with all of the bows and armors. Some of the bows I redid again, the silver bow especially gave me conniption fits because of the way it is mapped in bands that don't come across well in wood. I ended up making something that may displease the purists but which still appealed to me, I call it a and it may be totally unrealistic but I figured the rest of the bows would satisfy the purists ^_^ Likewise I have what I guess could only be called, which I might try to pawn off as "Dwarven Leathers" in an effort to not break immersion for those who really don't care for too much excessive flight of fancy in their gear. Not all items are complete sets, and there's a lot of mix and matching possibilities. Because it can be overwhelming to choose from 38 indivdual armor pieces, 4 clothing items and 11 bows at a single vendor, I've made an entire "camp" of archers just outside Weye, there is one main fletcher that will sell every item but in an effort to make choosing easier, there are also 9 different wandering archers who will sell the specific outfits they wear, which might make it easier to pick exactly what you want from such a long list.
Items that I am happy with and done with: Pants and chest, only.Haven't yet decided whether to do gloves & boots. Female cuirass doesn't have shoulder pads, I had the wrong mesh in when I took that photo. Boots, gloves, vest and pants Took me a long time to get an acceptable "feel" Chest, legs, boot & glove set. Boot, chest, leg, gaunts, and a horribly ugly helmet, most will choose a hood instead. Minor problem with the "feel" of the material. Dunno, I am sick of messing with these more

Ones that I'll likely keep as minor options even though I am not wild about them: Didn't turn out that great, haven't yet figured if I can fix it, should drop it, or just leave it.
*** edit:, I like it better now.
Ones I am either not quite happy with, and may drop entirely: Cuirass & legs only. Haven't yet decided if these are worth doing boots & gloves.
Still to do: dialogue, which will be brief but I am still oddly disinterested in starting in on, and fixing a weird little AI package issue where the archers shooting at bulleye targets will sometimes switch off their scripted target to shoot at the ground or a nearby NPC chatting with them. Since everyone just ignores the fact that there are sometimes 5-6 arrows sticking out of someone, I might just decide to ignore it too. I spent a few days trying to deal with AI packages and am currently not having as much fun with these. I am also confused on what I guess can be called "dirty refs" as my archers have moved at times from spot to spot, or I "touched" another item in the editor looking at things. In morrowind I was able to remove all these types of things easily from the "Details" tab, but I get confused by the Oblivion references to Parent, Child, Group, Reference etc. So I might start over with a clean from scratch ESP, because the real time consumption was meshes & textures and rebuilding a new "clean" esp should not take very long, maybe a half day, and probably worth the time spent to get it as clean as possible.
For those who believe there's no such thing as "too many pictures":
* edit, just to clarify, these are all based off Bethesda meshes as I am completely unable to model. I spent months back in Morrowind days trying to figure out 3DS Max & Blender, and for now I only recolor (and occasionally rearrange) default meshes from bethesda

The only exception are the three slender nico bows, based off his Drow Bow mesh. Which I love, it is such an elegant and simple shape ^_^