Natural Wood Bows

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:23 am

From the nifscope screen which you only posted the opposite side it looks like there is a bit of overlap on that side which would leave the tear on the other but hard to tell for sure !!

It has :/ so I would need to move both arms more to the center, and not shift them both in the same direction. I'll go see if I can follow the directions you gave and see if it helps.

edit: nope, it stays off kilter at the shoulders and if I change any setting even by 0.001, then it also no longer meets at the hands correct so it is off at two places then.

It LOOKS absolutely lined up correct, so I am wondering if I lost some other .. um, link thingybobber, I'll try repasting it again because maybe I removed some tiny little connection that had to stay in.
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:07 am

It has :/ so I would need to move both arms more to the center, and not shift them both in the same direction. I'll go see if I can follow the directions you gave and see if it helps.

edit: nope, it stays off kilter at the shoulders and if I change any setting even by 0.001, then it also no longer meets at the hands correct so it is off at two places then.

It LOOKS absolutely lined up correct, so I am wondering if I lost some other .. um, link thingybobber, I'll try repasting it again because maybe I removed some tiny little connection that had to stay in.

Maybe the upper body is moved backward a bit as it is wider toward the back and that would leave a tear on both arms !! (and as this is the piece you added it may just be off by a bit) or as you say maybe there was a shoulder pad or something covering that area.

EDIT : just looked at your top view and it looks like the upperbody might have moved a bit - try adjusting it on the y axis a small amount !!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:29 am

That armor looks really nice, so don't give up on it. If necessary, send me a PM and I'll hunt down a NifSkope guru to look at it for you!
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:12 pm

That armor looks really nice, so don't give up on it. If necessary, send me a PM and I'll hunt down a NifSkope guru to look at it for you!

Thank you very much for the offer :) I had for now decided to just drop that one because of the time it was taking me, but if there is anyone who can fix the mesh for me I'd probably be happy to send them the files. I still have to do the male version which will likely have the same error. Meantime though I have just moved on to tinkering around with other stuff.

I am very sorry for the delays -- I've actually been having a lot of fun with this project and completely lost track of how much time has passed. It's just that not yet really knowing how some things work, it can sometimes take me four to eight hours to do something that should only take 10 minutes, and at the end I sometimes end up chucking it all and starting over with something else. Plus I have fun poking around with retexturing and PaintShop, even though in the end most get abandoned after spending a few hours on them.

I think I am done now with all of the bows and armors. Some of the bows I redid again, the silver bow especially gave me conniption fits because of the way it is mapped in bands that don't come across well in wood. I ended up making something that may displease the purists but which still appealed to me, I call it a and it may be totally unrealistic but I figured the rest of the bows would satisfy the purists ^_^ Likewise I have what I guess could only be called, which I might try to pawn off as "Dwarven Leathers" in an effort to not break immersion for those who really don't care for too much excessive flight of fancy in their gear. Not all items are complete sets, and there's a lot of mix and matching possibilities. Because it can be overwhelming to choose from 38 indivdual armor pieces, 4 clothing items and 11 bows at a single vendor, I've made an entire "camp" of archers just outside Weye, there is one main fletcher that will sell every item but in an effort to make choosing easier, there are also 9 different wandering archers who will sell the specific outfits they wear, which might make it easier to pick exactly what you want from such a long list.

Items that I am happy with and done with: Pants and chest, only.Haven't yet decided whether to do gloves & boots. Female cuirass doesn't have shoulder pads, I had the wrong mesh in when I took that photo. Boots, gloves, vest and pants Took me a long time to get an acceptable "feel" Chest, legs, boot & glove set. Boot, chest, leg, gaunts, and a horribly ugly helmet, most will choose a hood instead. Minor problem with the "feel" of the material. Dunno, I am sick of messing with these more :P
Ones that I'll likely keep as minor options even though I am not wild about them: Didn't turn out that great, haven't yet figured if I can fix it, should drop it, or just leave it.
*** edit:, I like it better now.
Ones I am either not quite happy with, and may drop entirely: Cuirass & legs only. Haven't yet decided if these are worth doing boots & gloves.
Still to do: dialogue, which will be brief but I am still oddly disinterested in starting in on, and fixing a weird little AI package issue where the archers shooting at bulleye targets will sometimes switch off their scripted target to shoot at the ground or a nearby NPC chatting with them. Since everyone just ignores the fact that there are sometimes 5-6 arrows sticking out of someone, I might just decide to ignore it too. I spent a few days trying to deal with AI packages and am currently not having as much fun with these. I am also confused on what I guess can be called "dirty refs" as my archers have moved at times from spot to spot, or I "touched" another item in the editor looking at things. In morrowind I was able to remove all these types of things easily from the "Details" tab, but I get confused by the Oblivion references to Parent, Child, Group, Reference etc. So I might start over with a clean from scratch ESP, because the real time consumption was meshes & textures and rebuilding a new "clean" esp should not take very long, maybe a half day, and probably worth the time spent to get it as clean as possible.

For those who believe there's no such thing as "too many pictures":
* edit, just to clarify, these are all based off Bethesda meshes as I am completely unable to model. I spent months back in Morrowind days trying to figure out 3DS Max & Blender, and for now I only recolor (and occasionally rearrange) default meshes from bethesda :P The only exception are the three slender nico bows, based off his Drow Bow mesh. Which I love, it is such an elegant and simple shape ^_^
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:19 pm

This is just the mod I'm looking for! :o Those leather armors are amazing! And yes, I'm that excited to the point where exclamation points are both necessary and relevant! ^_^
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:27 am

That is really some very nice work there - looks like you are getting the hang of it all very well !! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :bowdown:
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:03 am

Those bows look nice :goodjob:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 am

That is really some very nice work there - looks like you are getting the hang of it all very well !! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :bowdown:

Thanks JDF ^_^ The main point of the project was just to ease me back into modding, and its worked at that so far. I loved modding in Morrowind (mostly on my old project and but I hit a burnout point on the huge MW4K and it stopped being fun after a couple years of working on one huge project :P So now I only do LITTLE projects, and only for as long as I am enjoying mucking around with them. Then when Oblivion came out, I took one look at how complicated the landmassing etc was, and went running, it's taken me since launch to work up the courage to try again, heh.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:53 am

Looking nice indeed. :)

... Pants and chest, only.Haven't yet decided whether to do gloves & boots.

But that suit there is my *absolute* favourite among those new armours. Looks incredibly fitting for a ranger type character. :goodjob:

Nice job!

Cheers, UQF
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:25 am

Looking nice indeed. :)
But that suit there is my *absolute* favourite among those new armours. Looks incredibly fitting for a ranger type character. :goodjob:

Nice job!

Cheers, UQF

Thanks, the Sturdy Leather set was also my favorite, and I left one set out in the camp for the sneaky type to try to steal (not easy but possible), but you might end up with an entire camp of archers after you if you get spotted ^_^

For those who just want the items without any vendor etc, there is also a locked "cheat chest" in one tent with a missing key, that you can open via console only, and no one will mind if you load up with everything. But its locked with a missing key in order to not tempt the purists ^_^

BTW UFQ, I absolutely LOVED your morrowind faces and used them all the time ^_^
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:57 pm

wow yey those Court Leathers are really looking awesome! i would want them!
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:24 am

OMG, those are all fantastic! What a wonderful collection!

Thank you very much for the offer :) I had for now decided to just drop that one because of the time it was taking me, but if there is anyone who can fix the mesh for me I'd probably be happy to send them the files. I still have to do the male version which will likely have the same error. Meantime though I have just moved on to tinkering around with other stuff.

Please don't drop anything you've started. Especially please keep the Court Leathers Cuirass and the arena cuirass variant (not sure what you had called that one). The arena one is my very favorite stock female armor in the game and I've got my own customized version of the standalone cuirass (hacked up with some help from Eshme).

If you want to go ahead and finish the release without worrying about those, fine, but please post the problem files somewhere and send me a link to it (preferebly with a description of the problems) and I will find someone to fix them for you. That way you can at least include them in a 1.1 release.


Also, would you mind if we use some of these in a future version of OOO? We're somewhat lacking in really good ranger-type armors and they would fit in really well with the animal faction quest.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:25 pm

I just totally dig the reinforced leather! Allready have this installed, but can't wait for the update. I love these non-bling bling armors.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:46 am

Wow the leathers look awesome I cant wait till you release it. I love the retextured Ebony armour, I hate enbony's appearance in the game as defualt but I love your retexture it is the best loofing Ebony reteture I have seen. I would say don't drop it but wouldn't care if you didn't do the gloves or boots.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:42 pm

There?s really that "SOMETHING" in your work. :)

Seriously, they have that touch to them. :thumbsup:
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:50 pm

please post the problem files somewhere and send me a link to it (preferebly with a description of the problems) and I will find someone to fix them for you.
Thank you, I would be so grateful for the help. I DID rather like the arena armor (it's nicknamed "gladiator" in my mind) but I've despaired of getting the arms correct.

I uploaded the files here:

There's a small esp that just leaves the chestpiece lying on the ground in the center of the Marketplace, for easy testing. Both male & female have armpit tears where the arms meet the body. The FEMALE cuirass looks perfect in the NifScope The MALE cuirass, you can see the tear easily in NifScope.

Also, would you mind if we use some of these in a future version of OOO? We're somewhat lacking in really good ranger-type armors and they would fit in really well with the animal faction quest.
No prob! Everything I make is always free to use in other projects, so feel free to add any of it to OOO (or other mods out there) once I've got it released. I never require advance permission, I'm very much into modders sharing their resources with each other's work. Nico's generousity in sharing his bow mesh is what started this project, and other modders like Cait who freely shared their work as modder's resources, were the backbone of most of my Morrowind modding. So always, take anything you can use for other projects. My only rule is someone not blatantly claim authorship of something I made, but no advanced permission is ever required.

And yes, I'll keep the Court Leathers (nee: ebony) since at least two people liked them enough ^_^
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:57 pm

ZOMG!!! Oh my giddy Aunt!! Now this is going to be one of the best Archer/Armour/Ranger , get your kicks with bows and arrows mod EVA!!!.....
Brash take your time......This is beautiful stunning work..Oh shesh this and Centurions new Armours for Oblivion are just gonna made my day!!!

Way to go ......My suggestion.....KEEP EVERYTHING, yeah I know it ain't a purists bow but even your Lacquered bow kinda looks "Oriental" so yeah I like it in a "Eastern sort of way"......

#1 Kudos for Excellence

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katie TWAVA
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:16 pm

Any updates on the great leather armors?
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El Khatiri
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:50 am

Ones that I'll likely keep as minor options even though I am not wild about them: Didn't turn out that great, haven't yet figured if I can fix it, should drop it, or just leave it.

I hope you keep them, particularly the Padded and Russet ones. I think you've captured a rather dashing, roguish look with them. With the Fur set it's hard to see enough details in that shot to really get a feel for it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:50 am

With the Fur set it's hard to see enough details in that shot to really get a feel for it.

It was just too flat and cardboardy looking. I went back and redid the furset with a different mesh and adding a new leather coif and I think I like it better now, looks a bit more french or nordic or something now:

I still need to play a bit more with the normal map for it to get the texture better, but I'm feeling better about the overall look.

Any updates on the great leather armors?

Sorry for the delays, I keep getting carried away with it ^_^ since it started out as just three simple wooden bows till you all kept encouraging me, lol.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:49 am

The community has a way of doing that Brash (other modders included *hides behind screen*).
I have to say the the armors look really nice, and with all the bows you're 'tackling Oblivion' rather nicely.
Keep up the great work.
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:41 am

The new fur looks way better, it has definatelly more structure. :goodjob:

All these gears give ranger/hunter players so much more choice than the standard leather or fur armors. Oh, and please get carried away some more, we can wait!
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:53 am

It'd be nice if you made some shortbows. Do you have any plans for doing any shortbows? They are sorely lacking in mods, with a single one in Adonnay's as far as I know.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:42 am

It'd be nice if you made some shortbows. Do you have any plans for doing any shortbows? They are sorely lacking in mods, with a single one in Adonnay's as far as I know.

I can't do new meshes at all, sorry, all I can do is simple reskins of current meshes.

The ones like Nico and Adonnay who make brand new models from scratch, those are the real artists :goodjob:
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:04 pm

These bows look wonderful! Can't wait for the release, but please don't rish! I checked your site out and I love the way it looks, great screenshots. Question, do you use a texture replacer like QTP3?
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