One thing I have always wanted, was some sort of foulweather poncho that I could throw on when there was a sudden rain squall, because I always start to shiver and feel all
wet when I get caught out in a rainstorm in my lighter gear. I went poking through some meshes to see if there was any type of "rain parka" type thing I could smoosh together in Nifscope just using default meshes, this is the closest I have so far:
I'd really love to remove the green under shirt and have only the brown flaps & cloak (keep green cloak accents) with regular gear showing under it, except
1) the shirt and flaps are part of a single mesh unit in nifscope, so I'd need to ask someone to remove the shirt portion in 3DS, which is probably doable but..
2) I think the clipping issues would be horrendous if you tried to be able to wear it over normal top armor rather than replacing it..
I also tried something a couple other ways, though I think I will just use the one linked above :
Anyway I am going to work on this a bit more and see if I can come up with something a bit like this. The cloak part is someone2014's extra large cloak mesh melded onto a tunic top. I think I just need a better "body" for it, something loose enough to pretend I am throwing it over my regular lighter gear.
What I really wanted is something that felt more like, although I guess that's a rather silly model to use

, especially if there were anyway to still have your hair and regular gear showing up in the front. Maybe that's not possible, I don't know if that is something one of the modelers might be interested in doing.
update1: I don't yet know if it is possible to get it working as a poncho OVER regular armor or not. I am still struggling with it to see

Otherwise I'll have to go back to the one with a shirt built-in under it. I think though it would be fun to have a poncho where your regular armor still shows under. Dunno if that's not possible, yet.
update2: I ran into a problem that I cannot fix on my own,
It looks like I am going to need help, or to be told that this is not possible to do.