I haven't installed the mod yet, but I've been waiting so long for a nice collection of realistic and modest looking armors such as these.

Do you plan on updating anytime soon with more armors, or is the test download just for bug checking? What do you suggest?
Well frankly I've been highly distracted by Shivering Isles

I have two major issues to resolve, I thought I had fixed a first person view bug with the Foulweather Cloak but I apparently didn't. I still have to research how armors are given a first person setting I think before I can get that fixed. The other major isue is relocating the entire archer camp to a spot not conflicting with the Weye Village Mod, I had a few places I was scouting out but no spot I yet really like all that well. I'll probably have to rebuild the esp again to make sure I don't leave behind any "dirty" references to the original location. I need to solve both of those before doing a final release, and since neither one was getting solved quickly, I have since been lured into the expansion which will likely slow down progress even more. I also have to finetune a few final stats. I'm still using the test/debug version I posted for my own character, which is
mostly ok for use now, except the issues noted. There is another armor mesh I forgot to include in it, a sleeveless variation of the gladiator/arena outfit which was earlier giving me an armpit tear (http://oblivion.brashendeavors.net/bows/armpittear.jpg) but which dev akm was able to have a friend fix for me, then I forgot to include it

but should be in the final also. Some others I was toying with but I think I need to maybe stop looking at new variations and start getting a release version ready instead. Translated: no ETA right now on a final release.
Brash, I was trying to send you a pm (regarding the mod), but your inbox is full.

Yeah, sorry about that

Its cleared out a little now but I tend to keep a lot of old messages archived and the 100 message limit keeps getting hit. Try again now, unless 4 other people message me first ^_^