maybe you remember that I sent you a version of your mod that I had tinkered with a loooong time ago? I had expanded the ranger camp a bit, so they all had their own beds and gave every ranger his own schedule, so they train at different times (and shoot the targets properly, I vaguely remember that there was a slight problem with that in the original version) and guard the camp at night in shifts. Back then I offered you to include this version if you ever updated your mod, but somehow it never came to that.

I had totally forgotten about it all, because the altered version has been a part of my game for so long, but now this thread was just on the front page when I stumbled into the Oblivion mod forum and I remembered. Are there any plans to update the mod at any point and would you still like to include it? Or should I just upload my file somewhere (without the associated files of course, just as an alternative esp)? If you don't want to see it uploaded, that's of course fine too.