I don't know much about scripting. I only have one tiny script, and this is all of it:
scn 9TUAfletchScriptfloat timerref stagebegin OnEquip set Stage to 1endbegin menumodeif stage == 1 if player.GetItemCount 9TUAfletch1 > 0 if player.GetItemCount 9TUAshaft1 > 0 set stage to 4 else MessageBox "You also need shafts and fletches to make arrows." set stage to 0 endifendifendifif stage == 4 MessageBox "You succesfully make 10 arrows." player.additem 9TUAarrow 10 player.removeitem 9TUAfletch1 1 player.removeitem 9TUAshaft1 1 RemoveMeendifend
The only two things I can think of, are my
PLAYER.ADDITEM. I have a fairly unusual itemid for the item added, but perhaps the game translates those to numerical references and they clash in the hash or whatever those scripter gurus used to say. I would think however that Spell Tome uses ADDSPELL or something and not ADDITEM, so perhaps it is that they also use a REF STAGE or something, and they somehow ... I dunno, get swapped. Certainly I can try renaming STAGE to something oblique like TUA001 and see if that solves it, we'd need a guinea pig willing to test the tiny updated ESP file and see if it solves it (eyes Hellbishop hopefully)
Or I guess if Fender Precision Bass is very small and only has one or two scripts, I could also see whether it is using any lines similar to mine, that may give us a clue what to search for in Spell Tomes. Certainly if it is a small script reference then mine will be easy to change (won't affect Spell Tomes vs other mods, only this one, but perhaps if that is it they'd also change their script in future releases, plus we can warn people about the issue for other mods with scripts)
Ok I checked Fender Precision Bass out, it has no scripts at all. So if there is a common factor there, it is not any scripts in the mod. Would have to be something else, perhaps an itemid. I forget who it was who used to know a lot about hash numbers or something back in Morrowind days, there was something about occasional mods clashing because they somehow had the same hash numbers assigned to certain .. files or something. I think the person who was working on the "Morrowind Online" proof of concept project, who was that again ..?