Natural Wood Bows

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:53 am

Figured out the fletch script. Only about 8 lines but I am new at this, heh.

Only thing left now for Phase 1 is dialogue.

If anyone else wants to check or use what is there now, the armor I think looks a tad better now and the fletchable arrow components are now in:

Thanks brash! Will give it a try. The armors look the part of what they are supposed to be perfectly. I love how you made the armor that was originally metal look so totally convincing as leather. I have not seen such impressive leather armor since playing MIGHT AND MAGIC 7 and TES 2 DAGGERFALL. The characters look great like something out of a fantasy novel cover. Very adventurist!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:19 am

I have to learn how to do conversation dialogues, levelled lists and also the AI packages for wandering NPCs. I don't yet understand how those work. Some days I pick things up fast and other days I can spend hours in circles confused by the most simple things, so its really hard to say.

Been about 72 hours since my initial post though so progress so far is decent. I suffer from mood swings though so its really hard for me to be very consistent or predictable in how much I'll actually accomplish on any particular day. It could be anywhere from 2 days to two months. I know thats frustrating if you are waiting for a polished final version. It's one reason I could never do anything creative as a regular job.

It's actually a fairly simple mod and the things left to do are fairly straightforward. The only problem is absorbing some new concepts, which doesn't always come easily to me.

Sometimes the editor just flatout framboozles me. :banghead:

Lol, i know about mood swings and going around in circles all too well! Even if it takes 2 months for a polished version to be done i think it'll be worth it! I love the 'phase 3' gear, looks brilliant! I always wanted elvish leather and youve done it very well! Good luck with this! :goodjob:
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 am

only the last one looks anything naterul like
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:33 am

Been about 72 hours since my initial post though so progress so far is decent. I suffer from mood swings though so its really hard for me to be very consistent or predictable in how much I'll actually accomplish on any particular day. It could be anywhere from 2 days to two months. I know thats frustrating if you are waiting for a polished final version. It's one reason I could never do anything creative as a regular job.

I know the same feeling. Fortunately i dont suffer from any out bursts of anger. I hold the anger in or go play some music. Its more of lacking motivation and feeling drained when the sad mood hits.
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Glu Glu
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:47 pm

These look great! I haven't seen a decent bow mod since Morrowwind (Suran Archery Range ftw!)

As much as I love Addonay's work, his bows drive me crazy. The plastic look is just a complete immersion breaker for me. Very much reminds me of the enchanted look in Morrowwind, which consequently was the very first mod I installed. To get rid of that.

I don't use them anymore. Instead, I've been using a Fine Steel Bow believe it or not lol. It doesn't do a lot of damage, but it doesn't look like some plastic toy either. =)

I've looked around for some good looking, down to earth bows, and it looks like I've found it here on the mod you're working on.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:51 am

only the last one looks anything naterul like

You mean the armors rather than the bows, right? I haven't been real happy with some of the armor but I struggle with that part because I am admittedly a little bad at that sometimes :P I went back and gave the starter armor another try ...
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Rob Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:52 am

Great idea, i checked the mod out on that website i really like it. especially with the doeskin armor, cape, and different lvls of bows. Pls pm me when its finished =)
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:19 am

Brash - these look great! Almost makes me want to change my future character from a mage to an archer. I'll probably use your textures and names to replace the standard metal bows. Natural wood is so much nicer.

Keep up the good work!
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James Hate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:36 am

I went back and gave the starter armor another try ...

The colors look great eventhough the lighter tanned pants stand out a little too much but if they were darker they would probably blend in too much with the rest of the armor giving a flat just another armor impression.

Found a conflict i have run across with other mods in the past that also came up with yours. After installing your excellent Mod playing-saving-exiting then coming back to it later a single random different spell is added into my spell book inventory everytime i load up a current save FREE OF CHARGE! Yay! Well not so yay since its like a cheat :) I think it might be related to the KNIGHTS OF THE NINE plugin or perhaps SPELL TOMES but not sure. When i unchecked your mod everything was back to normal. Thanks for reading.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:54 am

After installing your excellent Mod playing-saving-exiting then coming back to it later a single random different spell is added into my spell book inventory everytime i load up a current save FREE OF CHARGE! Yay! Well not so yay since its like a cheat :) I think it might be related to the KNIGHTS OF THE NINE plugin or perhaps SPELL TOMES but not sure. When i unchecked your mod everything was back to normal. Thanks for reading.
Hmm that is really weird since I don't think I ever touched anything related to spells. I did however have some item enchantment information I was messing around with, for a later addition of random enchanted bows. Hard to think that would be related to spellbook spells though.

I am trying to think of any area I might have changed that would do anything like that, it seems so completely unrelated. I'll try poking around a bit and see how something like that might have happened.

It sounds like a conflict of some sort between SPELL TOMES mod and mine, though I have no idea what areas we both changed that would do that, I tried to avoid anything that would affect any other mods of any sort.

Maybe someone smart has some ideas of what I could doublecheck ^_^
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:42 am

I have no idea what it could be either. Reminds me of the uncalculated spell bug for WAKIM'S GAME IMPROVEMENT Mod for MORROWIND which started popping up as people started learning and doing more things with the Editor.

Here is the name and link to the other mod that has the same conflict. In case you wanna glance it over to see what your mods do similar. Its called FENDER PRECISION BASS which adds some buetiful realistic looking guitars to the game world by a talented Modder called tweet and is available at:

Warning the above site contains advlt content but this link does not take you directly to this advlt content.
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:48 am

I haven't found it yet, but I read in the last two days or so a thread about a known problem with Spell Tomes adding spells upon loading a save. A specific mod had a conflict - but I can't remember which one. I believe the problem had something to do with quest scripts firing and getting interleaved at load time. It was an older mod. I'll try search for it again tomorrow. If we can determine something these mods have in common that affects Spell Tomes the Unoffical Oblivion Patch team may be able to do something about it. I tried searching the forums earlier - but didn't come up with the mod.
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:09 pm

Thanks! My assassin is very happy!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 am

I don't know much about scripting. I only have one tiny script, and this is all of it:

scn 9TUAfletchScriptfloat timerref stagebegin OnEquip   set Stage to 1endbegin menumodeif stage == 1		if player.GetItemCount 9TUAfletch1 > 0 		if player.GetItemCount 9TUAshaft1 > 0 			set stage to 4		 else			MessageBox "You also need shafts and fletches to make arrows."			set stage to 0		endifendifendifif stage == 4			MessageBox "You succesfully make 10 arrows."			player.additem 9TUAarrow 10			player.removeitem 9TUAfletch1 1			player.removeitem 9TUAshaft1 1		RemoveMeendifend

The only two things I can think of, are my REF STAGE and PLAYER.ADDITEM. I have a fairly unusual itemid for the item added, but perhaps the game translates those to numerical references and they clash in the hash or whatever those scripter gurus used to say. I would think however that Spell Tome uses ADDSPELL or something and not ADDITEM, so perhaps it is that they also use a REF STAGE or something, and they somehow ... I dunno, get swapped. Certainly I can try renaming STAGE to something oblique like TUA001 and see if that solves it, we'd need a guinea pig willing to test the tiny updated ESP file and see if it solves it (eyes Hellbishop hopefully)

Or I guess if Fender Precision Bass is very small and only has one or two scripts, I could also see whether it is using any lines similar to mine, that may give us a clue what to search for in Spell Tomes. Certainly if it is a small script reference then mine will be easy to change (won't affect Spell Tomes vs other mods, only this one, but perhaps if that is it they'd also change their script in future releases, plus we can warn people about the issue for other mods with scripts)

Ok I checked Fender Precision Bass out, it has no scripts at all. So if there is a common factor there, it is not any scripts in the mod. Would have to be something else, perhaps an itemid. I forget who it was who used to know a lot about hash numbers or something back in Morrowind days, there was something about occasional mods clashing because they somehow had the same hash numbers assigned to certain .. files or something. I think the person who was working on the "Morrowind Online" proof of concept project, who was that again ..?
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:37 am

brash thanks i'll test it. Gotta make it quick :frog: I have to hit the sack in about ten minutes and its gonna be a busy day when i wake up til evening New York time :) By the way i dont know nothing about scripts except stuff i no longer remember from messing with AMOS on the Commordore Amiga and the version of C++ on QUAKE and a little other things here and there. To the point though maybe additem is for the SCROLL that the spell is on and not the spell itself?
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:04 pm

I don't think it is a script after all since the Precision Bass mod uses no scripts.

More likely to be some itemid conflict or ... something, I dunno.

So go to bed for now and don't worry about it :)

It might be an extremely rare thing hard to pin down, and only occasionally affecting certain bizarre mod combinations.

I'll also download and poke through Spell Tomes and look at their scripts just in case.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:39 am

So go to bed for now and don't worry about it :)

Ha ha :lol: Thanks now i wont feel guilty. You and Pseron Wyrd take care. Later! :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:18 am

One thing about Oblivion: the object/spell/NPC Form ID's for new mod-added things are generated on the fly, the first two digits being assigned at runtime based on the mod's position in load order. This was done to prevent mod conflicts. I don't know what is causing the trouble for HB, but it shouldn't just be a matter of ID's.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:36 pm

I wasn't very happy with how some of the armor texturing was looking so I spent most of today struggling in PaintShop to get it looking a little better:

One question I have is whether anyone would use the "cheap" armor (far left) as opposed to the game's leathers, or if it doesn't fit in with anyone's idea of how they want their starting archer to look. I think the fancy ones at the end are looking better than I had it before.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:15 am

I wasn't very happy with how some of the armor texturing was looking so I spent most of today struggling in PaintShop to get it looking a little better:

One question I have is whether anyone would use the "cheap" armor (far left) as opposed to the game's leathers, or if it doesn't fit in with anyone's idea of how they want their starting archer to look. I think the elven one at the end is looking better than I had it before.

I like it. It has a kind of Sherwood Forest feel to it, which looks a bit more dashing than the default leather armour. Is it a retex of the dark shirt? I've always liked that one.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:17 pm

Is it a retex of the dark shirt? I've always liked that one.

Yup, it's just the dark shirt with brown/green tones to look a little more hunter-like, then given leather armor stats.

Still hoping to find someone who can make me an archer's cap or to convert to an Oblivion mesh, (Slof already gave permission)
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:32 am

Yes i would definitely use this. Love its classic rpg imagery eventhough i like the leather armor one starts out with in the beginning of the game.

Thanks Vorwoda_the_Black for the info on the conflict am having :D I'll see about changing the load order and see if that makes a difference.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:20 am

Thanks Vorwoda_the_Black for the info on the conflict am having :D I'll see about changing the load order and see if that makes a difference.

It might still be something with mine, I didn't find out till today you can't use numeric characters in ItemIDs, only alpha. So maybe hold off 24 hours and I should have a new version with that fixed.

Thank you so much for testing this out, HB :) *hugs*
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:47 pm

It might still be something with mine, I didn't find out till today you can't use numeric characters in ItemIDs, only alpha. So maybe hold off 24 hours and I should have a new version with that fixed.

Thank you so much for testing this out, HB :) *hugs*

AGH! She hugs like a Grizzly Bear protecting her young! :bonk: :D
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:34 pm

I think these are starting to turn out well:
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