Natural Wood Bows

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:43 am

I think these are starting to turn out well:

Wowzers! Reminds me alot of the fantasy artwork i have seen especially for the old 1990s TSR rpgs on the pc. I definitely want one of those! I do think though its way too warrior looking not fitting a Ranger type character at all. Maybe for a Ranger character whose really into melee this would go well with. Thats not the norm i think though.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:52 am

Yah, the elven mesh seems to be a better compromise between "something fancy" and "something rangerish". I tried toning down the heavy look by using lighter boots and gloves as the originals were very bulky, but maybe I'll just stick with as the only "fancy" option. It still has that "high fantasy" look without maybe as much of a heavy warrior build.

Perosnally I use the lower level lighter leathers, they fit my ideal better of a highly agile woodsy character, but I figured some would want something fancier as an option.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:25 am

I'm losing interest in learning how to do a travelling merchant AI, heh, so I think I am just going to release this sometime in the next 24-48 hours as an items-only mod, titled "Wood Bows & Leather Armors" : a half dozen sets of leather armors, 11 wood bows, and the fletcher-vendor in Kvatch who sells those along with lightweight fletching components.

Which means basically I am done except I might play around with one or two more retexturings. Then clean it up and upload.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:21 am

I wouldnt quit and release it yet. Just take a break short or long and when your ready and able tackle the merchant ai again. Till then just do some research and see whats been done already. Your work is too high quality just to be thrown out there. You should know that brash acting so rash :frog: Ha ha
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james kite
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 am

We'll call it version one, then :)

I have been known in the past to take very long breaks from projects and to have a hard time getting back to them later. I'll do version one now and an "extended edition" later then, perhaps.

Better to have something released, then something that is always in progress.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 am

I have been known in the past to take very long breaks from projects and to have a hard time getting back to them later.

Welcome to the club! ;)

Looking forward to this, m'lady. You've painstakingly put a lot of very beautiful artistry into this, as you do with all of your mods!
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brandon frier
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:36 am

Welcome to the club! ;)

Indeed. ;)

I wouldn't worry.... we know you can't stay away forever brash. :)
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:10 pm

Brash, having watched this thread from start and using your mod from day one....If i have just one critique it would be that the Fancy leather for males that you "Remove" the pauldrons, as I think they would obviously interfere with nocking and drawing an arrow..

Otherwise a great mod and some fantstic quality work in it.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:37 am

I don't know how to remove the pauldrons as they are "stuck on" the cuirass mesh. If someone could make me a copy of the mesh with the pauldrons removed (it looks easy because they seem to just be "stuck on" that would be really nice :)

I've been playing with the AI, and trying to figure out packages etc. Also renamed the vendor and moved her to a small makeshift archery camp just outside of Weye with a small gang of Bosmer archers under her leadership (mostly so you can see how the gear looks before buying).Whether they will pack up and move around the map after your initial visit, I dunno yet. I'm having issues learning some of the AI stuff but I dinker around with it a bit each day.

Lately I have been playing with a new character running around and kinda getting psyched for the new Shimmering Isles expansion, so I'll probably have to buckle down and get something out before then. I'm still doing some thinking in my head about dialogue and a small storyline.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:42 am



Great work. :D Can't wait for this.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:27 am

I don't know how to remove the pauldrons as they are "stuck on" the cuirass mesh. If someone could make me a copy of the mesh with the pauldrons removed (it looks easy because they seem to just be "stuck on" that would be really nice :)

I should be able to do that for you. Just need details on which mesh etc.. Should have time to do it tomorrow. :)
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Chloe :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:11 am

That would be super! It's the elven cuirass, male & female. If it is real easy to do, then the ebony cuirass without the add-on shoulders & elbow thingees also interested me some, but ignore that if it is not easy ^_^ actually for me, anything in a modeling software, is not easy. I'd be thrilled with just the elven cuirass.

Thanks!! No rush ^_^ I am busy running around Tamriel picking flowers to get my alchemy up before going after Martin in Kvatch, so I'll be busy the next few days anyway, heh.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:53 am

That would be super! It's the elven cuirass, male & female. If it is real easy to do, then the ebony cuirass without the add-on shoulders & elbow thingees also interested me some, but ignore that if it is not easy ^_^ actually for me, anything in a modeling software, is not easy. I'd be thrilled with just the elven cuirass.

Thanks!! No rush ^_^ I am busy running around Tamriel picking flowers to get my alchemy up before going after Martin in Kvatch, so I'll be busy the next few days anyway, heh.

Brash - just checked the elven Cuirass -removing the pauldrons is very easy - open nifscope click on the pauldron the mesh will highlight - go to the NiTrishape that it highlights right click and select block remove branch - then save the mesh to the name you want (luckily that mesh has the pauldrons as a seperate mesh piece - Ebony is the same !!)
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 am

Lately I have been playing with a new character running around with this outfit and kinda getting psyched for the new Shimmering Isles expansion, so I'll probably have to buckle down and get something out before then. I'm still doing some thinking in my head about dialogue and a small storyline.

Now that lady really looks like a "Huntress"..Wow gorgeous texturing!!!

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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:03 am

Brash - just checked the elven Cuirass -removing the pauldrons is very easy - open nifscope click on the pauldron the mesh will highlight - go to the NiTrishape that it highlights right click and select block remove branch - then save the mesh to the name you want (luckily that mesh has the pauldrons as a seperate mesh piece - Ebony is the same !!)

Well Golleee! That's a nifty little trick! :lol: Ok thanks, I'll let VA know I figured out how to do it myself!

(Starts hunting for more meshes she can disfigure ...)
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:37 am

Well Golleee! That's a nifty little trick! :lol: Ok thanks, I'll let VA know I figured out how to do it myself!

(Starts hunting for more meshes she can disfigure ...)

Yep - and if you open two nifscope instances using open new window you can copy and paste them from one .nif to another for even more difiguring FUN !!
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:51 am

Yeah it really is that easy... and you don't even need 3ds Max. :blink: Of course some meshes have all the parts attatched... so if you run into one of those you still may need some Max magic... ;) Good luck with this anyway brash.
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:36 am

One word: WOW!

This mod look amazing and I am in love with your leather armour and bows!
Keep working hard!
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:51 pm

*bump* Any progress on this, brash? I have a young archer lass just sitting in prison waiting for this mod. I won't release her until you release this... think of the poor elf! ;)
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:17 pm

Wow, fantastic work! Can't believe I missed this earlier. :goodjob:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 am

I have a character that uses bows. I would like to really get this mod when you are done with it.

(I saw a link in a pervious post, but the responses afterwards lead me to believe it wasn't finished)
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:02 am

I'm still running into a few minor snafus as I try to figure out how to work normal mapping and NifSkope, If I try pasting it directly to an upperbody chest, I get errors I don't know how to fix like "failed to map parent link NiNode|Bip01 L Thigh", and if I try to paste together body parts from other outfits that don't give that error, I end up with small tears.

I learn a little more each time so hopefully soon I'll get it all figured out. Thanks for the feedback though as it encourages me to keep at it.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:16 am

I'm still running into a few minor snafus as I try to figure out how to work normal mapping and NifSkope, If I try pasting it directly to an upperbody chest, I get errors I don't know how to fix like "failed to map parent link NiNode|Bip01 L Thigh", and if I try to paste together body parts from other outfits that don't give that error, I end up with small tears.

I learn a little more each time so hopefully soon I'll get it all figured out. Thanks for the feedback though as it encourages me to keep at it.

To fix that error you need to copy/paste the missing branch from the other nif as well in the case you mention you would need to copy\paste the Ninode Bip01Lthigh (usually you will need the Bipo1Rthigh as well - it will be the next error after you get past that one !!) from the old .nif (just find that ninode and copy\paste the branch) to the new one - it needs to be able to attach the other piece that you are importing to the skeleton and you do not have that part on your new .nif yet so it can not attach it to it and thus the error !!

I would quess you are adding a lower body piece to one that did not have the lower body already !!

Edit : as for the armpit tear click on the arms and then go to the block details and adjust the translation (probably a slight adjustment on the x axis should move it to where it lines up properly !!) Just play with a few different numbers until you get it lined up properly !! - or perhaps move the upper body a bit - depending on if it seems to line up with the other pieces or not.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:44 pm

Edit : as for the armpit tear click on the arms and then go to the block details and adjust the translation (probably a slight adjustment on the x axis should move it to where it lines up properly !!) Just play with a few different numbers until you get it lined up properly !! - or perhaps move the upper body a bit - depending on if it seems to line up with the other pieces or not.

I still am confused how to make the adjustment on the x axis, as well as hopelessly klutzy (I was never much good at lining up interior blocks in Morrowind either), but even if I knew how to nudge things over a smidgen, one problem is that, so I have no idea how to move it or where as it looks just fine in Nifscope to begin with. Its only in game with the arm down or moving that the rip shows.

Looks like maybe I'll have to just leave that one out, too bad as I liked it.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:54 am

I still am confused how to make the adjustment on the x axis, as well as hopelessly klutzy (I was never much good at lining up interior blocks in Morrowind either), but even if I knew how to nudge things over a smidgen, one problem is that, so I have no idea how to move it or where as it looks just fine in Nifscope to begin with. Its only in game with the arm down or moving that the rip shows.

Looks like maybe I'll have to just leave that one out, too bad as I liked it.

Maybe a -would help - hope you can see it on that monster screen you have !! - notice how changing the X value in the translation moves the arms to one side.(negative values will move it the opposite direction !!) Of course I moved them much farther than you need to ( do not need to move in whole units can use decimals for smaller movements) - to be able to enter a value double click on the translation line in the block details list and it will open the three boxes so that you can place values in them !!

It looks like you need to move it just a small amount on the x axis try 0.1 or .05 save and reload the game to see if it dissapears - if not try increasing it another 0..05 until it goes away !! From the nifscope screen which you only posted the opposite side it looks like there is a bit of overlap on that side which would leave the tear on the other but hard to tell for sure !!
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