OOC well edited
"By the Nine I needed that"
Ben rolled over onto his back, thirst now quenched as he delayed returning to his journey. Closing his eyes he could just hear a couple of people talking, upstream of his location. If they were still there when he'd recovered, he might go and see who they were...
The word was said with some alarm, making Ben open his eyes. He could see the pair of women upon whom he'd been about to idly eavesdrop, one of them looked alarmed and, as he sat up, leavering himself up with the staff, she spoke again, the pitch of her voice rising still further as she seemed to panic.
"What do we do?!"
Ben could answer that, one of the pair was an imperial who looked like she could handle herself. Still unsure of the nature of the threat, sure only that he should be helping this pair, Ben raised his hand, and the flash of blue revitalised him, standing up quickly he tested his spell's work
Leg seems alright, I should have about 5 minutes before the spell wears off...The thought passed quickly through his head, followed shortly by the nervous anticipation that signalled an adrenaline rush. No longer needing his staff as a prop, he brandished the thing, bringing back a rush of memories from his youth as his body settled itself in his familiar fighting stance. The happiness and exitement welled up inside him as he started to cover the 30 yards between himself and the pair, he couldn't help smiling, it just felt so good to be agile again! True he was still unfit and undermuscled but the fortification spell had taken care of all of that for now and, for the next 5 minutes Ben knew he would feel 20 again.