The Past
During the era of creation, and when the world was anew, a secret society of druids was created by Kynareth, the goddess of air, to watch over Tamriel and her beauty of nature from harm's way, whether it be war tearing the forests and land apart, animals were driven out of their homes, deforestation happening etc. The duty of a druid was plain simple to protect and preserve nature, their main headquarters were located in a sacred forest of Everwood, far north from Cheydinhal. There a huge tree stood the biggest out of the whole forest, the druid's main priority was watching over this huge tree, not only nature, this huge tree was no ordinary tree, but it symbolizes of what a druid was, and what their duty of being one was a all about, it was blessed by Kynareth herself to grant the druids immortality to watch over Nature for all of eternity.
To them.. Everwood was more than just a mere base for operations and such, it was a place that they could call home, and not having to interact with the world that was outside of them, and having a world of their own...
One dreadful day, the angry daedric god of hunting, Hircine, was furious, for years his hunting for fun was always put to a stop by the society of druids, from this day he had grown tired of it, and decided to put an end to it, he dispatched his most loyal servants consisting of hunters and deranged werewolves to track down the society of druids' base and genocide them.
And when they arrived at their destination of Everwood, a massacre had happened, most of the druids were wiped out, the society was on the brink of extinction, Hircine had also placed a curse on the huge tree, for each passing day, the tree would slowly die overtime, and nature iherself would be in grave danger. However, even though the society of druids were almost at the brink of destruction, a few had survived and a young apprentice druid being at the age of 9, all of the surviving druids except for one had devised a plan, they were to buy the tree sometime to live, before it would wither in darkness and decay, they had given up their own lives for the huge tree to live on, and all's hope was rested in this young druid's hands, Kynareth herself was closely watching over him. His mission was to grow at an age of maturity and unite the descendants that had druidism in them, to a new generation of druids.. the descendants that lived out normal lives in the real world were dispatched all over Cyrodiil, their ancestors did not want to allow them such a burden to carry, and now they were needed, the young druid was to be at a age of maturity, and guide the descendants to their unknown destiny, each descendant were to be called out from Kynareth's whisper.
The Beauty of Nature is in need of your aid, for you are a host with a great gift to assist Nature herself, please come.. head to Cheydinhal, and from there the wind will guide you north.
Your role
Your character is a descendant of the society of druids, he/she will have the gift to communicate with animals (and possibly plants, entangling roots ftw?), morph into a animal of your choice (be reasonable, in the past we had druid that were called 'legandaries' something like that, and some were able to morph into a gryphon or a dragon, send me a pst, if you wish to be one, I might make an exception, depending on the character sheet

Important roles are needed for the roleplay, pst me, if interested.

Humanoid sheet
Physical appearance:
Class Description/Skills:
Main Clothing/Armour:
Casual wearing: (if necessary)
Background: (Try to keep it brief)
Animal Sheet
Name: (If your animal form has a name of its own, if not, don't worry about it)
Animal: (Describe what animal he/she is, or a link, if necessary)
Aspects: (scouting, combat, stealth, transport etc)
Rules Like anyother typical roleplay, it's obvious.. but let's go through them, anyways..
* --> PM ME <-- your character sheets first ;o
* Romance is allowed, but keep it appropriate, keep cybering on msn or something.
* Try not to lock other characters while rp'ing, e.g. Bobby's char is having a convo with Sandra's char, Bobby logs off randomly without having his char ending the convo, resulting with Sandra's char being locked in a never ending convo, lolwut? yeh, exactly.. although she could just end it herself, but you get what I mean.. try to avoid it, please.

* Try not to be shy or nervous, have your chars interact with the others, and try not to feel left out, I encourage character development and socializing in the rp.
* Have fun! and pm me, if there's any probs or questions.