The Dovakin is always an exception of the rule.
That makes two questions: Can a dragonborn overcome the vampire-seduction, and can normal people do that.
My personal assumption is, that vampire-seduction is only a very powerful illusion-spell. That would mean, the victim can fight against the spell and will someday come free.
Illusion-teachers will also train their students to fight the spell.
Since the will of the dragonborn is stronger than the will of anyone else, the dragonborn should be able to come free even without training.
Not everybody will ever get free from the spell. It's like the fight against any addiction: If the alternative seems worse, nobody will overcome it. The thralls we see will not overcome the spell, because they have deep insight a great fear of the alternative live as not-thrall.
You can also put that backwards: Fighting against the seduction has made the willpower of your char stronger. In the end, he has now a stronger will than a dragon, and only that enables him to take their souls.