Version: 1.0
Author: silver_fox_rival
Description: There will be a 4 part series to this weapons collection. In part 1 of this collection, I have included The Diamond Rose Sword and a Alternate version for the blade's color, The Japanese Cherry Blossom Sai, The Peregrine Falcon Hammer and the Daisy Dagger. In all there will be 5 weapons in this collection.
Nature Weapon Collection pt. 1
Version: 1.0
Requires: Morrowind to play this mod.
Mod Installation:
Extract this mod to your Data Files folder. Extract the meshes, textures and icons to their respective folders. You will have to add these weapons to the CS yourself as they are just meshes, textures and icons.
Mod Description:
There will be a 4 part series to this weapons collection. In part 1 of this collection, I have included The Diamond Rose Sword and a Alternate version for the blade's color, The Japanese Cherry Blossom Sai, The Peregrine Falcon Hammer and the Daisy Dagger. In all there will be 5 weapons in this collection.
Mod Permissions
You can use these weapons as a resource, you can retexture the models, but if you want to edit the meshes, you can shoot me a PM over on either Great House Fliggerty or the officials or by email: and ask for permission and I am sure we can come to some type of agreement. Also, if you happen to use these in your mod, make sure to add this readme along with credit to the original author of the weapon meshes and or textures and icons.
Mod Thank you's
A HUGE thank you to Eldarion Ciareth for his support and advice in the gimp.
Nature Weapon Collection pt. 1
Version: 1.0
Requires: Morrowind to play this mod.
Mod Installation:
Extract this mod to your Data Files folder. Extract the meshes, textures and icons to their respective folders. You will have to add these weapons to the CS yourself as they are just meshes, textures and icons.
Mod Description:
There will be a 4 part series to this weapons collection. In part 1 of this collection, I have included The Diamond Rose Sword and a Alternate version for the blade's color, The Japanese Cherry Blossom Sai, The Peregrine Falcon Hammer and the Daisy Dagger. In all there will be 5 weapons in this collection.
Mod Permissions
You can use these weapons as a resource, you can retexture the models, but if you want to edit the meshes, you can shoot me a PM over on either Great House Fliggerty or the officials or by email: and ask for permission and I am sure we can come to some type of agreement. Also, if you happen to use these in your mod, make sure to add this readme along with credit to the original author of the weapon meshes and or textures and icons.
Mod Thank you's
A HUGE thank you to Eldarion Ciareth for his support and advice in the gimp.

Note: The link will expire in 14 days. So if you try an download this and the link doesn't work, just post in this thread so I can get it working again.