Try The NAVM's definitively
will toggle on and off by running NAVMToggleQUST. To demonstrate, you'll be immediately given a pair of NAVM Glasses and teleported to the cell in question along with Jericho who'll be set as a teammate. Upon being given the glasses, they'll be equipped and all the NAVM's will be toggled on. Leave Jericho parked in there after running him around the desk, jumping over it or whatever it takes to see the NAVM's are in fact enabled and working. COC to somewhere else or fast travel, return, tell Jericho to follow and see what happens. Try equipping/unequipping the glasses and watch the difference. It's particularly noticeable in the cave area as he'll just stand in place until you equip/unequip the glasses again toggling the NAVM's enabled states.
For whatever reason, whether the NAVM's are enabled or not, Followers were getting hung up on the desk. I ticked the NavMesh Generation - BoundingBox flag for the desk REF and Opened/Saved in the GECK and now Jericho behaves the same after leaving/coming back and walks around the desk so long as the NAVM's are enabled.
Also, he was getting ...stuck in the door from the cave to the main room there, so I moved the door marker a little so that shouldn't happen anymore.
Anyhow, if the NAVM's just aren't popping any other way than by this injection method, you can toggle the "Start Game Enabled" boxes for GiveNAVMGlassesQUST to off and NAVMToggleQUST to on. After they're first enabled, there are four placed activators (3 inside and one outside at the door) that will run an OnLoad block ensuring all the NAVM's are enabled, just incase...
IT'S WORKING!!!!!!!!!
Your method worked, JustinOther. I assigned new id's to all my new navmeshes, saved as an esm, put a trigger in the game to enable these navmeshes, and my npcs are behaving as they should. No freezing up when I return to their location via fast travel. It seems that new ids need to be be given to brand new navmeshes only, not cells that already exist or that you have modified.
This seems too good to be true.. haha.. need to test further.
It should still work, even if left as an .esp. The only records that need to be injected for NAVM's to be accessible by a script are NAVM records, so no other form ID's would need to be altered to employ this method. Were your NAVM's problematic with your plugin as an ESM before using the injection method? Either way, if it has helped in any way then it's been time well spent.