Currently I've been working on this in a way that I can avoid being overloaded with such a large project, as well as keep things broken up, so that people who want to use one aspect of this, but not another can use what they like, and avoid what they don't. This is also beneficial to me, as I can keep working on this while getting feedback on what needs to be changed as I go along.
Currently I've broken this into sections, similar to how the UESP has everything broken down on the Oblivion page, but with a few additions.
I've further broken those down, and been working on the mods, one part at a time, focusing on things like dremora, lesser daedra, liches, ghosts, skeletons, and so on.
Once I've done all of a single section, they will be merged together to a larger mod, that will further edit things like the leveled lists, and spawn points. I'm sure there will be people who would rather not have such changes, and that's why the smaller mods will remain, making this completely modular.
Further on from that, once all sections have been completed they will be moved to the final stage of this, which is a complete change to the hostile areas of Morrowind. Not only will spawn points be rethought, but things such as new dungeons will be added, perhaps even some boss type dungeons with above average loot, but also harder enemies. I'll also be changing how well some of the artifacts are guarded. It's far too easy to obtain not only the artifacts of the game, but also items that are more powerful than those artifacts in most cases. That's one of the things I hope to address with this. There's no challenge to the game for a character beyond level 15, as most creature spawns max out at level 20, and are easily taken down by a character 5 levels below, sometimes more.
Currently here's the breakdown of the sections, and their smaller subsections.
Dremora - released
Adds ranked dremora, like the ones in Oblivion. Each rank having it's own unique look. In a future update, I plan on adding melee, archer, and mage versions of each rank, as well as ranked dremora weapons and armor.
Lesser daedra - released
Includes the hungers, clannfear, scamps, and deadroth. Also gives them unique ingredients like daedroth teeth, hunger tongues, and clannfear claws.
Atronachs - released
Changed the Frost Atronach to more closely resemble that of Oblivion. Gave constant elemental shields to the appropriate atronach, to cause a sort of damage aura. Highly recommended optional files included to remove the bubble, but not the sparks from the elemental shields.
Ogrims/Twilights - released
Makes Ogrims into slow heavy hitters, and Winged Twilights into fast agile creatures. Also fixes some minor issues, like Ogrim Titans having less than half the soul value of regular Ogrims. Titans have also been made more powerful.
Missing Deadra - released
Adds the daedra that aren't in Morrowind, such as Xivlia, and spider daedra. Currently just waiting to hear back from jojjo about his dread knight weapons to release this.
Golden Saints - released
Add a similar matriarchal structure as Oblivion. Also adds a very small chance of encountering a male saint.
Liches - Released
Adds more liches to the game, including nether-liches, lesser liches, liches, and ancient liches. Revamps the spells, and generally attempts to make them more challenging.
Ghosts - Released
Adds new kinds of ghosts to the game, including wraiths. Ancestor ghosts are now dunmer in appearance, and regular ghosts have a multiracial appearance. The old look is not gone, just used for wraiths instead. The new look is completely optional however for those that just want to keep the standard look.
Skeletons - WIP
Adding more "ranks" to the skeleton, as well as modifying skills, levels, and gear of the regular ones.
Vampires - WIP
Creating creature vampires so that the turn undead spell will work on them. Going to attempt doing so with the dremora skeleton, to get the cool fade to a pile of dust death effect on vamps. Also going to make vampires appear from a leveled list, so that vampires will be more powerful as you progress, as well as include ancient vampires like in Daggerfall.
Zombies - WIP
Change the zombie type undead such as the bonewalkers, as well as add zombies, and mummies like in the other TES games. Completed a working mummy, using the corprus stalker mesh, with textures from the mummies you find in the cavern of the incarnate.
Sloads - Special case.
Add multiple variety of sloads. Mystics, Necromancers, Conjurers, etc.. each with it's own unique way of combat. After discussion here, I doubt that sloads will be released outside the final product. This is because there will be only a few sloads. I'm thinking one that focuses on each school of magic at the moment. Each will have it's own dungeon, and offer a sort of choice to the player. You can either leave the sload to it's work, in exchange for an item that will increase your skill in that sloads particular specialty of magic, or if you choose to fight the sload, it will enter a sort of tiered fight that will hopefully prove challenging for everyone.
Spriggans - WIP
Integrates the Spriggan into the rest of the game, with different spriggans for each region of Vvardenfel.
Dreugh - Unstarted
Perhaps some more variations on the Dreugh, including the land dreugh.
Goblins - Unstarted
Likely to add in ranks similar to those in Oblivion, as well as integrate the goblins into the base game. Things like goblin caves, and such.
Trolls, Minotaurs, and Ogres - Unstarted
Add trolls to leveled lists through the game. Currently planning on adding scripts so that they must be torched or else they will regenerate after death, just like in older games. Minotaurs and Ogres will most likely appear closely to how they did in Oblivion.
Golems - Unstarted
In Daggerfall, there were daedra, as well as golems for the elements. I'll be working on fire, frost, rock, and flesh golems for Morrowind.
Giants - Still debating
Not really sure where they would fit in, but I'll see what I can do.
Werecreatures - Still debating
I think it would be fun to do, but I wanna see just how manageable it is to do. Don't want anything that's going to be overly complicated, and buggy.
Much more, but haven't fully mapped out this section, as there's so much to it.
Bandits - Unstarted
Create leveled bandits, and highwaymen. Create spawn points for highwaymen, that will spawn on roads, and attack unless payed. The bandits will definitely not be having any kind of end game armors/weapons.
Summoners - Unstarted
Add necromancers, as well as daedra summoners that will spawn in the corresponding locations.
Beyond that, NPCs haven't been thought about too much, but I'm sure more will be added.
I will be adding more to the breakdown list as it comes up, but that's where I'm at so far. With this thread, I'm hoping to get suggestions, as well as have a single place to get feedback on things I've done, as well as what I'm planning on doing. Please don't be afraid to make suggestions.

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Like I said before, I appreciate all suggestions, as well as feedback on this. Thanks.