I'm SEC, I go for Auburn specifically. They just got done beating the Razorbacks, and that's pretty much what got me to start this thread when I thought about it. It got pretty close all the way through the 4th quarter, then Auburn started picking up. So right now they are ranked #7 (ahead of Bama :celebration:), and undefeated. Hoping they will keep up the good work. Any other SEC people here? If so, http://tv.rightcelebrity.com/?p=5305 article might interest you. Ole Miss had to have their mascot removed several years back because it was a "rebel" and represented the Confederacy. To me, that is kind of BS. It's more of a tradition than anything. I mean there are viking football teams, and do you know what vikings did? But to the point: Ole Miss is now the "Black Bears". Kind of stupid, IMO. But whatever. Watch the video in the link, it's pretty interesting. When they were coming up for ideas for a new mascot they came up with Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars. I thought that was funny. I'm hoping Ole Miss will beat Bama tonight, but I'm doubting it.
Anyway, discuss your conferences here, I'm hoping I didn't create this thread for nothing

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7ljrGXktR4&feature=player_embedded is a link to the Admiral Ackbar video directly. :vaultboy:
Double Edit: I said "Admirable Ackbar" not "Admiral Ackbar" Heh.