Yep, but as a veteran of this forum it doesnt work, I've tried to show the moral brilliance of House, the deep grey misguidedness of the Legion, but around here it's NCR or none :sadvaultboy:
Each faction has it's own little forum troop of supporters, so there is no need to convert other people or show them who's right.
Everyone has their own belief, their own philosophy and you can't do anything to prove them wrong, because at the end of the day..
whatever that person thinks is what they believe is right. Giving them guidance is all you can do to slightly move them to your beliefs.
But even then that only works to a degree. And anyway, onto to the point of NCR supporters- the majority of people on these forums are american, I'll wager.
The typical human will side with something that they relate to, thus if I might be so bold to say that the 'ordinary' american forum member will find the NCR more relatable.
For the faction parallels quite well with the current United States government, in some ways. Other factional supporters would generally have differing views to their generation.
Unless of course that person happened to be a roleplayer, but that is a whole different subject entirely. The point is... you shouldn't be that annoyed or saddened by this.
People who support the odd faction out will normally have a very unique viewpoint on things. And a balanced discussion is always better than a one sided discussion, I'd say.
Anyway I think I've rambled on enough. Take from this what you will, it does not matter to me so much.