I would totally dig it if there was a merchant who ran an NCR armory. However, this type of merchant should be in the market for mass accumulation of goods, and requires a barter of 80 to prove that you aren'y small time. This merchant could have 25,000 caps for dealing each cycle. I am sick of dealing with 8000 cap merchants who can't handle my 100 Barter! I sell all of one gun, and I can deal another 425 caps and that's it! Yes, I do barter for other items. I take all the stims and ammo I can possibly take. But what is the point of selling of 2 weapons when I get a Minigun back? The whole point of selling is to get it off my hands! For example, a Brush gun is 4900 caps. 2 of these is more than enough to take all the cash the Gun Runners! After 2 guns, I have to barter equipment! What is the point of this? I then HAVE TO GO TO ANOTHER MERCHANT TO SELL MY BARTERED EQUIPMENT, WHICH MEANS I CANT SELL ANY MORE GUNS!!!!
I have to go around 15 merchants just to sell! By the time I unload all the merchants on their current cycle, I now have a crap load of items from bartering because they can't handle the caps. I go exploring again, and get buried in more brush guns and miniguns!
When can this madness end???? Mr house has MILLIONS of caps, why can't he let me get at some of that/???? As it is, merchants CANNOT handle High Barter!
I can give you ALL the supplies you need to take down the Legion, Mr. Oliver! Just let me sell you my excellent condition wares! With all your brush guns, miniguns, power armor, super sledges, thermic lances and AMRs I sell you, YOU CAN WIN!!!!
With me at your side, even though I am an Envoy of Vegas, you can do this the following all day!