Really? Look at Ranger Milo who complains about the troops he's with outside Nelson. Look at Camp Golf where the 'wash outs' are put. Look at most of the soldiers being childish and boohoo about the simplest things. Also, their money ARE NCR Funds, derp. What pays for soldiers money? Military/government funds. NCR is pissing it's money down the drain, courtesy of the famous NCR tribal 'Head-In-Butt' Kimball. Things are so bad in NCR people are going East to MAKE money, speak to the gun merchant at 188, she states that the Prospecters you see are NCR citizens to poor to pay the outrages taxes back home.
You answer your own complaint. Their OWN roads and territories. The NCR are foriegn invaders, no matter how you try to justify it, plain and short.
Funny, I could say the same about NCR. House could find another person to do his bidding if he tried, but when will the next all powerful super human like The Courier come along to play Atlas to NCR's occupation of a foreign land?
So you say, we don't know how things could have played out.
You answer your own complaint. Their OWN roads and territories. The NCR are foriegn invaders, no matter how you try to justify it, plain and short.
Funny, I could say the same about NCR. House could find another person to do his bidding if he tried, but when will the next all powerful super human like The Courier come along to play Atlas to NCR's occupation of a foreign land?
So you say, we don't know how things could have played out.
Sigh, yes times are hard because they're in the middle of a WAR right now, times tend to be hard during war times, it comes with the territory. And i guess you could say the soldiers pay is NCR funds technically, but its their pay to do what ever they want to do with it, not like anybodys taking money out of the treasury to pay for lap dances. Derp.
Sigh again, their not forein invaders, they're tring to anex Vegas, if they had been invading it they would have come in guns blazing and just shoot and kill anybody who tried to stop them until they took over completely.
True, House could have gotten somebody else to do his bidding for him, only problem is five years ago he had no clue where the platinum chip was at so even if he could find a lackey it wouldn't have done him a whole lot of good, story still ends with him hung from a cross.
And yeah the Legion would have rolled over Vegas, nobody would have even been able to try to defend themselves against them without the NCR, at least we can be pretty sure about it.