1. Again, you're ignoring the fact that they're ill trained and have low moral. Those do not make for good troops to go up against machine-gun wielding robots. It's just that simple.
2. The basic soldier is a draftee for the most part, not the officers. Think of the NCR army as the US military around WW2. There was no standing US military, there was Officer Corps, and when in time of war, they had a draft. Same with the NCR, if you payed attention to what they said. It sounds very similar.
3. They're ignorant, I told you this already, it's not that hard to understand.
4. The NCR was easy to understand, if you payed any attention at all. They tasked you with jobs, because they're undermanned, have low moral, and need to focus on keeping the frontline as stable as they can.
Honestly, this is like going in circles with you. You're ignoring the facts being put out, and trying to be an armchair general about a video game, when you don't understand the situation. Which, ironically, is kind of like the NCR government in California, about the whole Mojave situation.