And you see that's where you and I would have to disargee? What exactly about their stratergy is horrible? Are the fact that every single soldier doesn't receive the best kit soley thier fault? The NCR still needs to conscript and rush troopers to the field after only two weeks they have never been in a position to launch a counter offensive.
The NCR didn't win the First Battle of Hoover Dam, well technically they did but they certainly gained nothing; the Legion attacked, they lost the Dam, the Legion were defeated, they took back the Dam. Both sides suffered immense casualties which the NCR still appears to be recovering from even by 2281 and Oliver's a bad General for not sending his forces against the Legion? Oh wait his men mockingly call him, "Wait-and-see Oliver" so I guess he must be a bad General right?
As for Kimball we barely even know anything about the guy so I don't get where people get away with saying all these things about him.
Kimball's main mistake is that he's responsible for the lack of resources and the bureocratic tie-ups within the entire system. It was HIS idea and HIS campaign to spread out in all directions, grabbing for more territory. Baja, New Vegas, the Divide and any other fronts the NCR is facing that we don't know about, all at the same time? His campaign. Instead of focusing on Baja, taking over and then moving on, he's insisted on spreading too thin. Thus, the NCR as a whole lacks resources. Not enough armor to give to every soldier, not enough time to train them all, and not enough people to handle all the administrative duties, so as a result, the whole system is slowed down and the effectiveness of the entire nation is reduced.
Oliver himself hasn't neccesarily done anything wrong, but he's underqualified. It's stated that Colonel Hsu SHOULD be general, but Oliver got the position instead because he's friends with Kimball. The result is that we have an under-qualified general leading the army, but you may choose to blame that one on Kimball himself rather than Oliver. Other than that, Oliver seeks glory. He's ambitious, and his ambitions have brought him to the position of general, but is being ambitious a good qualification? Not really. Oliver is just out for glory and according to statements in game, it can be concluded that he's envious of the glory and praise Chief Hanlon received for his brilliant plan for the First Battle of Hoover Dam, and thus Oliver's plans for the Second battle aren't so much based on what would be the BEST strategy, but rather what would make him and his heavy trooper units look the best.
Moore? Nothing wrong with her, really, when it comes to her effectiveness. She does her job, it's just HOW she does her job that many hate. She's a soldier and nothing but, and addresses all issues that come to her desk as war situations. The result is that her approach to dealing with foreign countries is often "kill them all." She wants you to kill the King and Pacer, she wants you to wipe out the Great Khans, she wants you to wipe out the Brotherhood of Steel....really if you follow her orders to the dot, you'll end up killing everyone. It's also worth mentioning that if you follow Crocker's advice and consult Hsu on how to deal with the Kings rather than Moore, she'll see to it that Crocker loses his job. So we do know that she's at least spiteful and petty to those that don't follow her direct orders (even if the guy isn't technically under her command).