It says the NCR are neutral towards me on my pip boy. I've done nothing but kindness towards them. I first noted it went I went towards Helios One and assumed it was because it was an area off limits to civilians so I just ran away. It wasn't until I came across other NCR that I realized they would attack me.
I even went back to Mojave outpost where I knew they were my friends and they also attacked me.
I am only wearing reinforced leather armor which I found on a body of a person in Nipton (not a legion body). That and a trooper hat with goggles.
An account of what I'd done before this happened:
Everyone was neutral to me up until I had the Good Springs gun fight against the Powder Gang which made that town like me. I then after went on a killing spree against the Powder Gangers headquarters and few of their little camps which made them hate me (or vili... something me). I then went into Nipton and killed all the legion dogs in the town hall. I then went to the Legion camp and saved the hostages (who happened to be powder gangers which seems strange after I near just wiped them out). Legion also now hate me.
I went to Novac to sell my looted wears and then walked down the road to discover the scrap yard and then discover Helios one where as I approached the NCR started shooting at me. I ran away with out firing back. I then found that every where I went and there was NCR they'd try to kill me.
Can someone please explain what I have done?
Or is it a bug? If so I hate not as I was just really getting into the game and I don't want to start again.