NCR shooting at me for no reason?!

Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:03 am

Is this a glitch or is it something I'm missing in the game.

It says the NCR are neutral towards me on my pip boy. I've done nothing but kindness towards them. I first noted it went I went towards Helios One and assumed it was because it was an area off limits to civilians so I just ran away. It wasn't until I came across other NCR that I realized they would attack me.
I even went back to Mojave outpost where I knew they were my friends and they also attacked me.

I am only wearing reinforced leather armor which I found on a body of a person in Nipton (not a legion body). That and a trooper hat with goggles.

An account of what I'd done before this happened:
Everyone was neutral to me up until I had the Good Springs gun fight against the Powder Gang which made that town like me. I then after went on a killing spree against the Powder Gangers headquarters and few of their little camps which made them hate me (or vili... something me). I then went into Nipton and killed all the legion dogs in the town hall. I then went to the Legion camp and saved the hostages (who happened to be powder gangers which seems strange after I near just wiped them out). Legion also now hate me.

I went to Novac to sell my looted wears and then walked down the road to discover the scrap yard and then discover Helios one where as I approached the NCR started shooting at me. I ran away with out firing back. I then found that every where I went and there was NCR they'd try to kill me.

Can someone please explain what I have done?

Or is it a bug? If so I hate not as I was just really getting into the game and I don't want to start again.
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:01 pm

What did you say to the NCR out front? it sounds like your tresspassing at Helios One. You need permission to enter it.
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Beast Attire
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:01 pm

What did you say to the NCR out front? it sounds like your tresspassing at Helios One. You need permission to enter it.

I never got that far. They shot me from a far as I approached. My pip boy still reads that they the NCR are neutral towards me.
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:58 am

My only advice then is to find some faction armor and equip and unequip it a few times. But if you have a recent enough save from before this problem occured just reload
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KU Fint
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:52 am

My only advice then is to find some faction armor and equip and unequip it a few times. But if you have a recent enough save from before this problem occured just reload

I try wearing NCR armor which helped up until I got up close.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:30 pm

I try wearing NCR armor which helped up until I got up close.

Equip and unequip it repeatedly, then try approaching without the armor on.
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:40 pm

I try wearing NCR armor which helped up until I got up close.

There's a known glitch where Neutral factions sometimes go Hostile with no warning or apparent cause. Wearing faction armor sets your rep with that faction to Neutral while it's equipped. Following LV's suggestion, below (I'd swap it at least 3-4 times, if not 5-6, just to make sure), forcibly overrides the errant Hostility and resets the faction back the the Neutral it should be; the part about making sure the armor is no longer equipped when approaching a group of NCR is to ensure that the reset has actually occurred, which isn't always the case after attempting said fix.

If all else fails there's always reloading a recent save, however from your description it sounds like that wouldn't help. It also sounds like you didn't do the following, but I have to ask anyway, as it's important: did you, at any point, wear either Powder Gang or Legion gear after looting their corpses? If so, then that may have triggered the hostility as both factions are KOS as far as the NCR is concerned, in which case fixing it is a little trickier.

Equip and unequip it repeatedly, then try approaching without the armor on.

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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:57 am

Equip and unequip it repeatedly, then try approaching without the armor on.

Ok, Thanks. I'll give it a try. I was thinking all help was lost :(

There's a known glitch where Neutral factions sometimes go Hostile with no warning or apparent cause. Wearing faction armor sets your rep with that faction to Neutral while it's equipped. Following LV's suggestion, below (I'd swap it at least 3-4 times, if not 5-6, just to make sure), forcibly overrides the errant Hostility and resets the faction back the the Neutral it should be; the part about making sure the armor is no longer equipped when approaching a group of NCR is to ensure that the reset has actually occurred, which isn't always the case after attempting said fix.

If all else fails there's always reloading a recent save, however from your description it sounds like that wouldn't help. It also sounds like you didn't do the following, but I have to ask anyway, as it's important: did you, at any point, wear either Powder Gang or Legion gear after looting their corpses? If so, then that may have triggered the hostility as both factions are KOS as far as the NCR is concerned, in which case fixing it is a little trickier.

Thanks. That makes sense.

Yes I did wear the powder gang armor whilst I wiped out their base. I wore the armor so I could walk up to them disguised and then attack them from a closer range.
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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:27 am

If after you have tried what General Masters and LV have said and it still does not fix the issue then the only other thing I can think of is to
get to Vegas and go to the tops and wait for the Legion guy to speak to you as that should set it back to normal and go see the NCR
there too for their version of the same thing.

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Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:55 am

What did you say to the NCR out front? it sounds like your tresspassing at Helios One. You need permission to enter it.

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