Tis a good point. I suppose "figure head" or celebrity is more like it. Some one that everyone's heard about. When one thinks of the NCR, they'll think of the Heroic NCR Courier that's fought valiantly against the legion. When one thinks of House, they can't help but tie him to the House Courier whose been going around accomplishing so much for the strip and other factions, and comes and goes from the Lucky 38 at regular intervals. Etc, etc.
Maybe an NCR courier or a legion courier would nuke the other side, but it makes zero sense for the courier to just snap and double nuke, it's just illogical. It's the "stupid evil" that plagued FO3, where you're just being evil to be evil,with no objectivity or logic involved. Surely this isn't the canon courier, that would demolish my respect for this game.