I think you really have something great put together there. I really like your idea of augmenting the penalty when hitting zero fatigue, making a physically active day consequential. Also, like the well-fed idea. You could just make it a straight week of seven days. Easy to remember.
The augmenting penalties will apply to other situations, too. For example, getting drunk or eating certain foods (ham, salami, ...) will raise the water requirement for the following day. Yes, the well-fed buff should kick in after a week or so, even if I don't think that someone will really count the days... okay, maybe someone will.

As for the word to use, I think malnutrition is still the better one, but other suggestions are welcome.
I love this idea, Elaura! If implemented could you add to this test option not just by-passing all the questions but auto turning off the hunger/thirst/sleep scripts. I think in most cases when testing other mods, these do not need to be active and are kind of annoying to have to deal with.
Yes, it could be useful to disable it for testing purposes.
I can't tell why but i can't get rid of light and moderate hunger no matter how much i eat, my status bar even says "well fed" Is there a console command to reset the hunger script to fix this?
Also the Wells dont work in the cities of tamriel rebuilt map 2, and when i rent a bed in the city none of the bedroom doors unlock so i can stay the night.
To reset the scripts, try entering in the console "set NoM_active_hts to 0" and see what happens. Then enter "set NoM_active_hts to 1" to start the scripts again.
I think there's a patch for TR map 1 replacing the wells with NoM ones. It's based on the old version, but it should work nonetheless. I never saw a similar patch for map 2. As for the inn, NoM has no effect on TR inns.
Wow, Taddeus, you had come back to Morrowind modding? I've been away from the forums so long I never noticed!
Your original NoM mod was one that always stayed in my load order and someone had even carried on your work into Oblivion, creating a Hunger, Thirst and Sleep mod for OB. I always felt these types of mods added to the immersion and made you more invested in your character's survival...
I like the ideas on having multiple levels of hunger/malnutrition/starvation. I guess the key is finding that delicate balance between fun and tedium. Of course, that will be different for everyone, so having some customization options would be nice. I think the original version of NoM had a startup script or the standard configurable "ring" or something, so I'm sure you've thought of that. IIRC, I think yours was one of the less intrusive of the survival-type mods and that was one of the deciding factors for me. I didn't much like the ones where you had to have a meal plate or kit or something with utensils, etc. just to eat but to each his own.
On the subject of expense that someone brought up, I got on a train of thought about this:
Some of the foods are always more expensive (saying for these mods in general, not this one in particular) and some players (particularly if you are a slow starter or not a heavy combat/adventuring playrer) might feel like just maintaining basic sustenance keeps them in the poor house. To me, this always caused me to ponder the plight of the locals, and how they managed to survive with such poor means...
To offset this feeling a bit, perhaps you could set up the penalties (and bonuses) so that maintaining a bare survival level as a starting player (or in an abstract sense, the local peasant) would require a bare minimum of money. Of course, the food you'd have to eat is pretty poor quality, consisting of local fare such as rat soup, crab meat, saltrice/scuttle porridge or what-have-you and doesn't confer any nutritional bonuses. On the other hand, if the player has the coin, they could afford to eat like the nobility on such fare as lamb/venison/beef imported from Cyrodiil as well as the best quality local fare - Scrib Jelly, or Ash Yams, perhaps? (Forgive me if my examples are off, as I haven't played in some time, but I'm sure you get the idea) Anyway, the more quality food could confer better nutritional bonuses/buffs to simulate the effect of the PC who spends the money to eat better food to keep healthy.
Yes, I'm back a couple years ago, you were away for a long time, hehe.
The configuration option that I'm thinking of to balance things is allowing the player to choose how much to eat every day. So a frail mage could need less food, let's say -25%, while a huge barbarian could need +25%.
And, in the new version there are already certain quality foods who give you little buffs when eaten.

Almost forgot. If you implement this could you make it optional in the configuration set up? I'd personally turn it off but I can see how others would like it.
Why? Don't you want to drink from wells?