Hello there, I've read that the maximum fortify enchanting/smithing gear people have managed to produce with necromage perk (after getting bitten), cycling the sallow book buffs, 4 pieces azhidal for enchants, and falmer helm glitch is 43%.
For some unknown reason I've capped out at 42% which produces a 60% enchant potion and 239 (i think) smithing potion. compared with 61% and 243 smithing that's quoted.
I know the difference is ridiculously minor and has no bearing on the game experience whatsoever but the min-maxer in me would just like to know what i've missed.
I've seen a guy on youtube (albeit using a lot more gear stacking glitches with all 43% gear http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NpJJ2lQVCXM&list=FLI7kHz0b7w9Qu0P1MD9R0Mw#t=12 ) but from what I understand it should be possible to hit 43% with just the az, falmer, necro and sallow cycle?
Any thoughts?
edit- I know at least one other had the same issue http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615804-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/66546219/748853477 not much info out there about why though.