Augmented Frost x2
Deep Freeze
Destruction Dual Casting
I honestly chose frost for A)RP purposes (I know, I'm a dork) and B)I chose Breton, and with some perks I will be taking in the alteration/restoration trees I should be strong vs casters and frost is highly effective against physical dealing opponents.
Dark Souls
Twin Souls
Summoner x1 *Optional
Conjuration Dual Casting *Optional
Pretty straightforward here. Dual Casting can be very helpful early on, but after you get perm zombies it sort of loses a bit of its luster.
Recovery x2
Avoid Death
Necromage (Very important, helps your destruction damage as well)
Ward Absorb
Your 2nd most important tree besides conjurations necromancy line. Don't underestimate ward absorb, NPC spellcasters HURT on master difficulty. You WILL want to use wards, they have received too much hate on these forums IMO. Yes it can drain your mana...but that's why we have perks likes this to help get it back.
Mage Armor x3
Magic Resistance x3 *Optional
This is the tree that has the most flexibility. If you wear armor, obviously don't take mage armor. Do keep in mind you get 4x the protection when you take this perk. Atronach is incredibly strong, not sure you need any urging to take this one. If you aren't a Breton, I would suggest taking the magic resistance perk unless you have some enchanted on your armor/robes. Still very helpful even if you are because casters really, really hurt at 35+ on master (damn you arch-necromancers).
I'm having a lot of fun playing this way. Just keep in mind this caster is far more defensive than offensive, start fights by getting protection spells up while your zombie and companion (IMO the best one so far is the female dark elf apprentice from the college of winterhold) go in and then start raining frost damage on them. Picking up the regeneration perk in resto fairly early is helpful to keep your companion alive with healing hands, don't underestimate it! If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer them